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IEEE Visualization 2000 * Oct. 8-13, 2000 * Salt Lake City, Utah

Welcome to IEEE Visualization 2000

October 8 - October 13, 2000
Hilton Hotel
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Sponsored by the
IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics (TCVG)
in Cooperation with

At the 11th annual IEEE Visualization conference, to be held from October 8 through 13 in Salt Lake City, Utah, will meet to celebrate another year of cutting edge research in scientific visualization.

Our keynote speaker, Michael Cohen, notes that revealing the hidden structure around us is at the core of visualization. His talk will provide an overview of advances in technology in computer vision, image based rendering, non-photorealistic rendering and visualization. As we finish the conference, our capstone speaker, Olivier Faugeras, will present recent research on applications of variational methods for medical imaging and visualization. During the numerous sessions scheduled between these two talks, you will find reports on the state-of-the-art in visualization and its relationship to computer graphics and computer vision.

Preceding the main conference you may attend tutorials by leaders in the field, who will discuss the background of their research as well as the in-depth details of their new work. You will also find two symposia: the symposium on information visualization, where techniques for the visualization of abstract information will be studied; and the symposium on volume visualization, where you will see the latest volume visualization research techniques and applications.

Please join us in Salt Lake City, Utah October 8 through 13, to make this celebration memorable at the 11th visualization conference!

A copy of the Advance Program in PDF format can be downloaded by clicking here.

Conference Co-Chairs:

Charles Hansen, University of Utah * 801-581-3154 * Fax: 801-581-5843 *
Chris Johnson, University of Utah * 801-581-7705 * Fax: 801-585-6513 *
Steve Bryson, NASA Ames Research Center * 650-604-4524 * Fax: 650-604-3957 *

Conference Tracks

Visualization Algorithms

Volume Rendering, Flow Visualization, Isosurfaces, Compression, Vector and Tensor Visualization, Sonification, etc.

Visualization Techniques

Information Visualization, Databases, Human Perception, Human Factors, Multivariate Visualization, Virtual Reality, etc.

Visualization Applications

Archaeology, Astrophysics, Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedicine, Chemistry, Education, Electronics, Environment, Finance, Mathematics, Mechanics, Molecular Biology, Physics, Virtual Reality, WWW, Java, VRML, HTML, AVS, Data Explorer, Iris Explorer, Khoros, vtk, etc.

Vis 2000 Conference Highlights



Case Study Papers

Work in Progress



Creative Applications Lab

IEEE Visualization 2000 Paper Archive

Please send any comments or suggestions to J. Davison de St. Germain (