Center for DoD User Productivity Enhancement and Technology TransferMISSION To bring university research results and expertise to bear in collaborative assistance and training for DoD users as part of the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP). VISION The User Productivity Enhancement and Technology Transfer (PET) component of the DoD HPCMP is a bold and innovative university/industry/government effort to provide the essential user support and mode of capability enhancement that is necessary to address the wide variety of research and development demands arising from the science and technology programs supporting DoD's weapons development and warfighting support systems.
The DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program
These four centers have DoD's biggest high performance computing (HPC) facilities. 40% of DoD's HPC power is in Mississippi: at NAVO and ERDC MSRCs. These four MSRCs are used by DoD researchers at DoD centers and at universities and industry with DoD contracts all over the country. The PET Team University Partners:
Industrial Partners: The PET Computational Technology
PET Calendar
For additional information on the DoD HPCMP or PET program: HPCMP website: