The HPC² provides substantial high performance computing resources for use by its member centers.
Orion is a Dell/EMC PowerEdge C6420 cluster composed of 1,800 compute nodes, each with dual 20-core Xeon Gold 6148 processors (with a base processor frequency of 2.4 GHz), and a total of 345 TB of RAM. Eight of these nodes are large-memory nodes with 384 GB of RAM with the remaining 1792 nodes containing 192 GB of RAM. Each node is interconnected via Mellanox HDR100 InfiniBand (100 Gb/s). Orion has a peak performance of nearly 5.5 PetaFLOPS and debuted on the June 2019 TOP500 Supercomputer Sites list as the 62th most powerful computer in the world and 4th fastest computer in U.S. academia. However, due to technical reasons the initial rankings were accomplished using only 85% of the available nodes. Later benchmarking efforts utilizing nearly all of the nodes resulted in a ranking on the November 2019 TOP500 Supercomputer Sites list as the 60th most powerful in the world and the 5th fastest computer in U.S. academia.
Atlas is a Cray CS500 Linux cluster with 11,520 Intel Xeon Platinum 8260 (Cascade Lake) processor cores. The system has a total of 101 terabytes of RAM in addition to 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. Each node is interconnected via Mellanox HDR100 Infiniband (100 Gb/s). The peak performance is 565 TeraFLOPS. Atlas is a collaboration between Mississippi State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agriculutural Research Service (ARS).
Hercules is a Dell PowerEdge C6520 Linux Cluster with 512 compute nodes, totaling 40,960 2.3GHz Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 processor coreswith 256 terabytes of RAM. Each node is connected via NVIDIA Mellanox InfiniBand NDR interconnect. Hercules has a peak performance of 3.01 PetaFLOPS, and debuted at #369 overall on the November 2022 TOP500 list. In addition to these systems, the HPC² has many smaller x86 Windows and Linux based servers that provide computational services for various groups and individual projects.