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IEEE Visualization 2000 * Oct. 8-13, 2000 * Salt Lake City, Utah

IEEE Visualization 2000
Call for Participation

October 8 - October 13, 2000
Hilton Hotel
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Sponsored by the
IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics (TCVG)
in Cooperation with

Visualization is a vital research and applications frontier shared by a variety of scientific, medical, engineering, business, and entertainment fields. IEEE Visualization 2000 focuses on interdisciplinary methods and collaboration among developers and users of visualization methods across all of science, engineering, medicine, and commerce. Sunday through Tuesday of Conference Week will include tutorials, symposia, and mini-workshops. Papers, panels, case studies, and works in progress will be presented Wednesday through Friday.

We invite you to participate in IEEE Visualization 2000 by submitting your original research through papers, panels, case studies, work in progress, and demonstrations. Share your perspectives through panels and workshops, or your experience through tutorials. Please select the forum appropriate to your submission, where it will be considered by your peers for presentation. Particular focus on volume visualization and information visualization are addressed in special two-day symposia.

For further information on the conference or symposia contact:

Charles Hansen, Conference Co-Chair, University of Utah * 801-581-3154 * Fax: 801-581-5843 *
Chris Johnson, Conference Co-Chair, University of Utah * 801-581-7705 * Fax: 801-585-6513 *
Steve Bryson, Conference Co-Chair, NASA Ames Research Center * 650-604-4524 * Fax: 650-604-3957 *

Conference Tracks

Visualization Algorithms

Volume Rendering, Flow Visualization, Isosurfaces, Compression, Vector and Tensor Visualization, Sonification, etc.

Visualization Techniques

Information Visualization, Databases, Human Perception, Human Factors, Multivariate Visualization, Virtual Reality, etc.

Visualization Applications

Archaeology, Astrophysics, Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedicine, Chemistry, Education, Electronics, Environment, Finance, Mathematics, Mechanics, Molecular Biology, Physics, Virtual Reality, WWW, Java, VRML, HTML, AVS, Data Explorer, Iris Explorer, Khoros, vtk, etc.

Vis 2000 Conference Highlights

Paper Submissions (due March 31, 2000)

Papers are solicited that present research results related to all areas of visualization. Original papers are limited to 5,000 words. The submission of NTSC VHS video (up to 5 minutes in length) to accompany the paper is strongly recommended.

Panel Proposals (due March 31, 2000)

Panels should address the most important issues in visualization today. Panelists should be experts in their fields who can discuss the challenges of visualization, and engage the audience and fellow panel members in a stimulating, interactive debate. Panel proposals should describe the topic to be addressed and identify the prospective panelists. Each panelist should include a position statement on the topic and a short biography, the total of which should be limited to 500 words. The statements will be included in the conference proceedings.

Case Study Papers (due March 31, 2000)

Case studies are reports on how visualization has contributed to the analysis of data in actual applications or studies of the visualization process. A short paper limited to 2,500 words (maximum 4 pages B/W plus 1 page color) will be included in the conference proceedings. Images and/or NTSC VHS video to accompany the paper are recommended; the video will be included in the conference video proceedings.

Work in Progress (due June 15, 2000)

Submissions are solicited for Works in Progress sessions that pertain to all areas of visualization. These submissions must be original abstracts, must describe work in progress by the authors and their collaborators, and may not exceed 500 words or a maximum of 1 page. Images and/or NTSC VHS video to accompany the abstract are recommended. Authors of accepted abstracts will have an opportunity to submit a revised and extended abstract, as well as present the work at the conference. These extended abstracts may not exceed 1,000 words or a maximum of 2 pages including images. All accepted abstracts will be distributed at the conference but not published in the conference proceedings.

Tutorial Proposals (due March 31, 2000)

Half-day and full-day course proposals are invited for visualization systems, methods, and application areas. Tutorials will be offered Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

Mini-Workshop and Birds-of-a-Feather Proposals (due March 31, 2000)

Proposals may be submitted for Mini-Workshops and evening Birds-Of-A- Feather (BOF) gatherings on visualization methods or application areas. They should deal with state-of-the-art topics and involve experts in the field. Discipline-focused proposals devoted to a particular discipline's methods and needs are encouraged.

Demonstration Proposals

Visualization 2000 is a unique opportunity to present your products or research to visualization experts from a wide variety of fields. We invite demonstrations of commercial hardware, software, integrated systems peripherals, and literature, as well as academic research. We encourage demonstrators to have technical representatives in attendance.

Creative Applications Lab (due July 15, 2000)

The Creative Applications Lab (CAL) is designed to let presenters interact with conference attendees on an individual basis, and to let attendees demonstrate their own visualization systems and techniques. The CAL will have a variety of computers on which the contributors and attendees can install their materials for others' experimentation and enjoyment. The CAL will be open in conjunction with the demonstrations at Visualization 2000.

IEEE Visualization 2000 Paper Archive

Please send any comments or suggestions to J. Davison de St. Germain (