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IEEE Visualization 2000 * Oct. 8-13, 2000 * Salt Lake City, Utah

Online Information Form

The following form will help us in producing this year's video proceedings.

We look forward to hearing from you!

[Required Field] Are you submitting a video? (yes or no)

[Required Field] Which conference or symposium area? Select one:
Vis 2000 Papers
Vis 2000 Case Studies
Vis 2000 Late Breaking Hot Topics
InfoVis 2000 Papers
InfoVis 2000 Late Breaking Hot Topics
VolViz 2000 Papers
VolViz 2000 Case Studies

[Required Field]Title

Authors (last, initials)

[Required Field]Contact (last, first)

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Fax Number

[Required Field] E-mail address

Web address: http://

Please place a brief description of your video in this text box.

Software used:

Hardware used:

Length of video in minutes & seconds:

Please send any comments or suggestions to J. Davison de St. Germain (