ARCHIVED PAGE - This page is archived and being provided for historical reference.
IEEE Visualization '96

Electronic Conference Registration


Name:(please print clearly) _____________________________________________________
Last First, M.I.

Organization: _________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________ State: _________________

Zip Code: __________________ Country: ___________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _______________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Tutorial Choices (includes Monday reception and Wednesday-Thursday demonstrations)
(please check a first choice and a second choice)

1st 2nd
___ ___ 1. Sunday Full Day Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications
___ ___ 2. Sunday Full Day Introduction to Visualization
___ ___ 3. Monday Full Day Interactive Web Programming
___ ___ 4. Monday Full Day Visualization in the Physical Sciences
___ ___ 5. Tuesday Full Day From Perceptual Psychophysics to Graphic Design
___ ___ 6. Tuesday Half Day (A.M.) Advanced Methods in Visualization
___ ___ 7. Tuesday Half Day (P.M.) Visualization Toolkits: Applications & Techniques

Tutorial Fees: Early Registration (by Oct. 4) Late Registration (Oct. 5 or later)
Full Day Half Day Full Day Half Day
IEEE/ACM member 250 175 300 210
Nonmember 315 220 380 265
Full-time student 190 135 230 165
(multiply number of tutorials chosen as first choices by appropriate fees shown above)
______________# full day tutorials x ________________ full day fee = $__________
______________# half day tutorials x ________________ half day fee = $__________

Conference: (includes Wed., Thurs., Fri. sessions, demonstrations, and Wed. reception)
Early Registration (by Oct. 4) Late Registration (Oct. 5 or later)
IEEE/ACM member 275 375
Nonmember 420 500
Full-time student 150 190
Conference Fee $______________________

Symposia Choices: (includes Mon., Tues. sessions, Mon. reception, Wed.-Thurs. Demonstrations)
______ 1. 2-day (Mon., Tues.) Volume Visualization
______ 2. 2-day (Mon., Tues.) IBM Visualization Data Explorer
______ 3. 2-day (Mon., Tues.) Information Visualization

Early Registration (by Oct. 4) Late Registration (Oct. 5 or later)
Two-Day Two-Day
IEEE/ACM member 270 325
Nonmember 340 410
Full-time student 185 225
Sub Total $______________________

Total number of tutorial, conference, and symposia registrations:________________
__________# of registrations - 1 = ____________ x $50 Deductions $_____________
Total Fees (Sum Fees, Subtract Deductions) $______________________
(U.S. currency only. Checks, money orders or credit cards. Make checks payable to IEEE Visualization '96)

Credit Card Info: AMEX______MasterCard______Visa______ Exp. Date:_________________

Credit Card number:_______________________________________________________________

Card Holder's Name (please print)___________________________________________________


Additional INFORMATION we need:
1. Either your IEEE or ACM membership #:
IEEE # ____________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________________
ACM # ____________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________________

2. How did you hear about the Vis '96 conference? (please check any that apply)
_____ email _____ magazine ad
_____ mailer _____ colleague
_____ web _____ other
_____ newsgroup

3. Are you a conference speaker?
_____ Yes _____ No

4. Are you a symposium speaker?
_____ Yes _____ No

5. Are you a tutorial instructor?
_____ Yes _____ No

6. _____ Please do *NOT* include my name, address, or telephone number on a published list of attendees.

7. _____ Please do *NOT* include my telephone number on a published list of attendees.

8. _____ For student registration, attach a copy of a valid student identification card.

San Francisco Shuttle
(sign up early; transportation is first come, first served)

Are you interested in riding the shuttle on Thursday Evening?
_____ Yes _____ No

Additional Information you need:

Requests for refunds must be received by October 4, 1996. Refunds are subject to a $50 service fee. Participants with confirmed registration who fail to attend or do not notify the Registration Chair, prior to refund date will be charged the full fee. Participant substitutions are allowed at any time. We are not responsible for emailed credit card numbers.

Registration will also be accepted on site at the late registration fee rate.

Fax or Mail your registration to:

Fax this form to 510-423-8715 attn: Vis'96 registration or send to:

Ross Gaunt, Registration Chair
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
POB 808 MS L-561
Livermore, CA 94551 USA

Questions about Registration?

Please call the Vis '96 phone: 510-423-9368 or send email to

Do not send credit card numbers over email.

Oct. 4 Close of Early Registration
Oct. 4 Cut-off for Guaranteed Hotel Reservations (5 P.M., Pacific time)
Oct. 27 Conference Commences