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Wednesday, 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. |
KN |
Keynote Session: |
Keynote Address: Bringing Visualization to the User |
Speaker: Alvy Ray Smith, Graphics Fellow, Microsoft Corporation |
Wednesday, 10:15 - 12:15 P.M. |
2A |
Panel: "Surface Rendering versus Volume Rendering in Medical Imaging"
Organizer: |
Ramin Shahidi, Stanford University Medical Center |
Panelists: |
William Lorensen, General Electric - CRD |
Ron Kikinis, Harvard Medical School |
John Flynn, Silicon Graphics, Inc. |
Arie Kaufman, SUNY at Stony Brook |
Sandy Napel, Stanford University Medical Center |
2B |
Case Studies: Interaction, Sound and Temples |
(1) |
Virtual Workbench - A Non-Immersive Virtual Environment for Visualizing and
Interacting with 3D Objects for Scientific Visualization, |
Upul Obeysekare, Chas Williams, Jim Durbin, Larry Rosenblum,
Robert Rosenberg, Fernando Grinstein, Ravi Ramamurthi,
Alexandra Landsberg and William Sandberg, Naval Research
Laboratory |
(2) |
A System for the Complementary Visualization of 3D Volume Images
Using 2D and 3D Binaurally Processed Sonification Representations, |
David Rossiter, Wai-Yin Ng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
(3) |
Visualization of Roughness in Musical Consonance, |
Florian H. Sobieczky, University of Goettingen |
(4) |
Using Visualization in the Archaeological Excavations of a Pre-Inca Temple in Peru, |
Alan Kalvin, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Alfredo Remy, IBM
del Peru, Orlando Ardito, Kim Morla, Eduardo Nolasco, Jorge Prado,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Regulo Franco, Antonio
Murga and Guillermo Wiese, Fundacion Augusto N. Wiese |
2C |
Papers: Visualization Techniques |
(1) |
Anatomy-Based Facial Tissue Modeling Using the Finite Element Method, |
Erwin Keeve, Sabine Girod, Paula Pfeifle and Bernd Girod, University of Erlangen |
(2) |
A Fast Gibbs Sampler for Synthesizing Constrained Fractals, |
Baba C. Vemuri and Chhandomay Mandal, University of Florida |
(3) |
Temporal Continuity of Levels of Detail in Delaunay Triangulated Terrain, |
Daniel Cohen-Or and Yishay Levanoni, Tel-Aviv University |
(4) |
BLAC-wavelets: a Multiresolution Analysis with Non-Nested Spaces, |
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Laboratoire LIMSI-CNRS, Stefanie Hahmann,
Laboratoire LMC-IMAG, Universite INPG Grenoble, Gregory M. Nielson,
Arizona State University |
Wednesday, 1:45 - 3:45 P.M. |
3A |
Papers: Volume Rendering |
(1) |
Fast Stereo Volume Rendering, |
Taosong He and Arie Kaufman, State University of
New York at Stony Brook |
(2) |
Parallel Hierarchical Direct Volume Rendering for
Irregular and Multiple Grids, |
Jane P. Wilhelms, Allen Van Gelder, Paul Tarantino
and Jonathan Gibbs, University of California,
Santa Cruz |
(3) |
Fast Perspective Volume Rendering with Splatting
by Utilizing a Ray-Driven Approach, |
Klaus Mueller and Roni Yagel, The Ohio State
University |
(4) |
Deformable Volume Rendering by 3D Texture Mapping
and Octree Encoding, |
Shiaofen Fang, Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Su Huang,
National University of Singapore |
3B |
Papers: Visualization Systems |
(1) |
Visualization Over the World Wide Web and its
Application to Environmental Data, |
Jason D. Wood, Ken W. Brodlie and Helen Wright,
University of Leeds |
(2) |
Cheops: A Compact Explorer for Complex
Hierarchies, |
Luc Beaudoin, Marc-Antoine Parent and Louis C.
Vroomen, Centre de recherche informatique
de Montreal |
(3) |
The Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented
Toolkit for 3D Graphics and Visualization, |
William J. Schroeder, Kenneth M. Martin and William E.
Lorensen, GE Corporate Research & Development |
(4) |
Visualization of Complex Models Using Dynamic
Texture-based Simplification, |
Daniel G. Aliaga, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill |
3C |
Case Studies: Biomedical Visualization |
(1) |
Three Dimensional Visualization of Proteins in Cellular Interactions, |
Colin Monks, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory
Medicine, Patricia Crossno, University of New Mexico, George
Davidson, Constantine Pavlakos, Sandia National Laboratories,
Abraham Kupfer, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory
Medicine, Claudio Silva, State University of New York at Stony Brook
and Brian Wylie, University of New Mexico |
(2) |
Clinical Evaluation of Interactive Volume Visualization, |
Karel J. Zuiderveld, Institute of Medical Image Sciences, University
Hospital Utrecht, Peter M.A. van Ooijen, Dept. of Technical
Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, John
W.C. Chin-A-Wong, Marco Olree, Institute of Medical Image Sciences,
University Hospital Utrecht and Frits H. Post, Dept. of Technical
Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology |
(3) |
Electrical Energy Absorption in the Human Head from a Cellular Telephone, |
Visham Pandit, Robert McDermott, Gianluca Lazzi, Cynthia Furse and
Om Gandhi, University of Utah |
(4) |
Visualization of Laser Confocal Microscopy Datasets, |
Georgios Sakas, Fraunhofer-Institute for Computer Graphics, Michael
G. Vicker and Peter J. Plath, University of Bremen |
Wednesday, 4:00 - 5:30 P.M. |
4A |
Papers: Flow Visualization I |
(1) |
Interactive Visualization of 3D-Vector Fields using Illuminated Streamlines, |
Malte Zoeckler, Detlev Stalling and Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB) |
(2) |
Raycasting Vector Fields, |
Thomas Fruehauf, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics |
(3) |
Multi-Frequency Noise Images for LIC, |
Ming-Hoe Kiu and David C. Banks, Mississippi State University |
4B |
Panel: "Breaking the Myth: a Picture is NOT (always) Worth a 1,000 Words" |
Organizer: |
Nahum D. Gershon, The MITRE Corporation |
Panelists: |
Robert Braham, IEEE Spectrum |
David Fracchia, Simon Fraser University |
Andrew Glassner, Microsoft Research |
Barbara Mones-Hattal, George Mason University |
Russ Rose, Information Sciences Research Group |
4C |
Topic: Session I |
Thursday, 8:30 - 10:00 A.M. |
5A |
Panel: "Real-Time Accelerators for Volume Rendering" |
Moderator: |
Arie Kaufman, SUNY at Stony Brook |
Panelists: |
Hanspeter Pfister, SUNY at Stony Brook |
Guenter Knittel, Tuebingen University |
Rienhard Maenner, Mannheim University |
John C. Goble, Hewlett Packard |
5B |
Papers: Information Visualization I |
(1) |
A Linear Iteration Time Layout Algorithm for Visualising High-Dimensional Data, |
Matthew J. Chalmers, Union Bank of Switzerland |
(2) |
Flexible Information Visualization of Multivariate Data from Biological Sequence Similarity Searches, |
Ed H. Chi, John T. Riedl, Elizabeth Shoop, John V. Carlis, Ernest Retzel and Phillip Barry,
University of Minnesota |
(3) |
Multiresolution Multidimensional Wavelet Brushing, |
Pak C. Wong and R. Daniel Bergeron, University of New Hampshire |
5C |
Case Studies: Flow Visualization |
(1) |
Flow Visualization for Turbomachinery Design, |
Martin Roth and Ronald Peikert, Swiss Center for Scientific Computing |
(2) |
Wavelets Applied to Lossless Compression and Progressive Transmission of
Floating Point Data in 3-D Curvilinear Grids, |
Aaron Trott, Robert Moorhead and John McGinley, Mississippi State University |
(3) |
Directional Flow Visualization of Vector Fields, |
Ed Boring and Alex Pang, University of California Santa Cruz |
Thursday, 10:15 - 12:15 P.M. |
6A |
Papers: Surface Reconstruction |
(1) |
History Consideration in Reconstructing Polyhedral Surfaces from Parallel Slices, |
Gill Barequet, Tel-Aviv University, Daniel Shapiro, Princeton University,
Ayellet Tal, The Weizmann Institute of Science |
(2) |
Volume Tracking, |
Deborah Silver and X. Wang, Rutgers University |
(3) |
Contour Blending Using Warp-Guided Distance Field Interpolation, |
Daniel Cohen-Or, Levin Levin and Amira Solomovici, Tel-Aviv University |
(4) |
Complex-Valued Contour Meshing, |
David C. Banks and Chris Weigle, Mississippi State University |
6B |
Papers: Interaction |
(1) |
Perceptualisation using a Tactile Mouse, |
Robert G. Hughes and A. Robin Forrest, University of East Anglia |
(2) |
LISTEN: Sounding Uncertainty Visualization, |
Suresh K. Lodha, Catherine M. Wilson and Bob Sheehan, University of California Santa Cruz |
(3) |
A Haptic Interaction Method for Volume Visualization, |
Ricardo S. Avila and Lisa M. Sobierajski, GE Corporate Research & Development |
(4) |
Two-handed Interactive Stereoscopic Visualization, |
David S. Ebert, University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Christopher D. Shaw, University of Regina, Amen Zwa, University of
Maryland Baltimore County and Cindy Starr, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
6C |
Case Studies: Engineering Applications |
(1) |
Data Level Comparative Visualization in Aircraft Design, |
Jens Trapp and Hans-Georg Pagendarm, German Aerospace Research Establishment |
(2) |
A System for Measuring Surface Facet Orientation from Atomic Force Microscope Data, |
John Hagedorn, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Holly Rushmeier, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, John Blendell and
Mark Vaudin, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
(3) |
A Visualization Tool for Mechanical Design, |
Shao-Chiung Lu, A.B. Rebello, D.H. Cui, R. Yagel, R.A. Miller and
G.L. Kinzel, The Ohio State University |
(4) |
A 3D Contextual Shading Method for Visualization of Diecasting Defects, |
Shao-Chiung Lu, A.B. Rebello, D.H. Cui, R. Yagel, R.A. Miller and
G.L. Kinzel, The Ohio State University |
Thursday, 1:45 - 3:45 P.M. |
7A |
Papers: Rendering Methods |
(1) |
Illustrating Transparent Surfaces with Curvature-Directed Strokes, |
Victoria Interrante, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center,
Henry Fuchs, Stephen Pizer, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill |
(2) |
Opacity-modulating Triangular Textures for Irregular Surfaces, |
Penny Rheingans, University of Mississippi |
(3) |
Generation of Transfer Functions with Stochastic Search Techniques, |
Taosong He, Lichan Hong, Arie Kaufman and Hanspeter Pfister, State
University of New York at Stony Brook |
(4) |
Real-Time Incremental Visualization of Dynamic Ultrasound Volumes, |
William F. Garrett, Henry Fuchs, Andrei State and Mary C. Whitton,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
7B |
Panel: "Information Exploration Shootout" |
Organizer: |
Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts, Lowell & MITRE Corporation |
Panelists: |
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, GTE |
Graham Wills, ATT |
Domain experts (to be determined by final program) |
7C |
Case Studies: Environmental Visualization |
(1) |
Mantle Convection Visualization on the Cray T3D, |
James S. Painter, Peter Bunge, Los Alamos National Laboratory and
Yarden Livnat, University of Utah |
(2) |
The Challenges of Visualizing and Modeling Environmental Data, |
Yingcai Xiao, University of Akron, John P. Ziebarth, National
Center for Supercomputing Applications, Chuck Woodbury, Eric Bayer,
Intergraph Corporation, Bruce Rundell, U.S. EPA and Jeroen van der
Zijp, CFD Research Corporation |
(3) |
Visualization of Water Quality Data for the Chesapeake Bay, |
Adam B. Forgang, Bernd Hamann, University of California Davis and
Carl F. Cerco, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
(4) |
Data Reduction and Interpolation for Visualizing 3D Soil-Quality Data, |
David C. Banks, Mississippi State University, Bernd Hamann,
University of California Davis, Po-Yu Tsai, Robert Moorhead,
Jonathan Barlow, Mississippi State University |
Thursday, 4:00 - 5:30 P.M. |
8A |
Papers: Flow Visualization II |
(1) |
FEL: The Field Encapsulation Library, |
Stephen T. Bryson, David Kenwright, MRJ/NASA Ames Research Center and
Michael Gerald-Yamasaki, NASA Ames Research Center |
(2) |
UFLOW: Visualizing Uncertainty in Fluid Flow, |
Suresh K. Lodha, Alex Pang, Bob Sheehan and Craig M. Wittenbrink,
University of California Santa Cruz |
(3) |
Time Management, Simultaneity and Time-Critical Computation in
Interactive Unsteady Visualization Environments, |
Stephen T. Bryson, MRJ/NASA Ames Research Center and Sandra Johan,
NASA Ames Research Center |
8B |
Papers: Information Visualization II |
(1) |
Choosing Effective Colours for Data Visualization, |
Christopher G. Healey, The University of British Columbia |
(2) |
Real-time Slicing of Data Space, |
Roger A. Crawfis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
(3) |
Untangling Knots by Stochastic Energy Optimization, |
Milana Huang, Louis H. Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago and
Robert P. Grzeszczuk, University of Chicago |
8C |
Topic: Session II |
Friday, 8:30 - 10:00 A.M. |
9A |
Papers: Surface Generation |
(1) |
Isosurfacing in Span Space with Utmost Efficiency (ISSUE), |
Han-Wei Shen, University of Utah, Charles D. Hansen, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Yarden Livnat and Christopher R. Johnson,
University of Utah |
(2) |
Triangular NURBS Surface Modeling of Scattered Data, |
Song Han and Gerard Medioni, University of Southern California |
(3) |
Volume Thinning for Automatic Isosurface Propagation, |
Takayuki Itoh, IBM Japan, Yasushi Yamaguchi, The University of Tokyo
and Koji Koyamada, IBM Japan |
9B |
Case Studies: Interactive Visualization of Environmental and Astronomical Data |
(1) |
Visual Access for Landscape Event Based Temporal Data, |
M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Andrew Fall, David J. Cowperthwaite,
Joseph Fall and F. David Fracchia, Simon Fraser University |
(2) |
Interactive Visualization of Ocean Circulation Models, |
Scott Nations, Robert Moorhead, Kelly Gaither, Steve Aukstakalnis,
Rhonda Vickery, Warren C. Couvillion Jr., Mississippi State
University, Daniel N. Fox, Peter Flynn, Alan Wallcraft, Patrick
Hogan and Ole Martin Smedstad, Naval Research Laboratory |
(3) |
Interactive Exploration and Modeling of Large Data Sets: a Case Study
with Venus Light Scattering Data, |
Jarke J. van Wijk, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, ECN and
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science CWI, Hans J.W. Spoelder,
Willem-Jan Knibbe, Vrije Universiteit and Kamran Eftekhari Shahroudi,
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science CWI |
Friday, 10:15 - 12:10 P.M. |
10A |
Papers: Surface Simplification |
(1) |
Mesh Reduction with Error Control, |
Reinhard Klein, Gunther Liebich and Wolfgang Strasser, Universitaet Tuebingen |
(2) |
Optimizing Triangle Strips for Fast Rendering, |
Francine Evans, Steven S. Skiena and Amitabh Varshney, State University
of New York at Stony Brook |
(3) |
Dynamic View-Dependent Simplification for Polygonal Models, |
Julie C. Xia and Amitabh Varshney, State University of New York at
Stony Brook |
(4) |
Octree-based Decimation of Marching Cubes Surfaces, |
Raj Shekhar, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Elias Fayyad, Roni Yagel,
The Ohio State University and J. Fredrick Cornhill, The Cleveland
Clinic Foundation |
10B |
Panel: "Mathematical Visualization: Standing at the Crossroads" |
Moderator: |
Tamara Munzner, Stanford University (co-organizer) |
Panelists: |
David C. Banks, Mississippi State University |
George Francis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Andrew J. Hanson, Indiana University |
Loki Jorgenson, Simon Fraser University (co-organizer) |
Friday, 1:45 - 3:45 P.M. |
CS |
Capstone Session: |
Capstone Address: The Discriminability of Colored-Patterns: Less than Meets the Eye |
Speaker: Brian Wandell, Stanford University |