We will replace your title with a recreation of your title to
help unify the video proceedings.
Your Copyright
We will remove your copyright notice and place an IEEE copyright
on the composited video proceedings. This will allow you to retain the copyright you may
hold with your individual video.
The time allotted each video is limited to FOUR (4) minutes.
This includes your titles and credits. If your video is longer than four minutes, it may
be edited down to this duration without your permission.
video_rights The IEEE Video
Copyright Form must be printed and signed and returned with your video submission.
This is so that we have a legally binding signature on the copyright form. If your form
does not accompany your video tape submission, it will NOT be included in the final
video proceedings.
Audio with your video is encouraged, but if you add any
background music, be careful that it is either in the public domain or that you have
video_rights to use the music. You must state this on the copyright form.
Even though the video proceedings accompanies the paper
proceedings, in practice the paper and the video should each stand on their own. Adding a
voice-over that explains what the viewer is seeing helps the video to stand on its own.
Try to achieve the same high standards that you applied in the
writing of your paper to the production of your video.
A printed information pamphlet is included with the video
proceedings. Please fill-out the Online Information Form and
return it with your video submission.
Thank you for contributing your video tape.
James Rose
Pixar Animation Studios
Robert McDermott
University of Utah
Please send your video tapes to:
Robert McDermott
155 South 1452 East, Room 405
CHPC, University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 USA
+1.801.585.5366 fax