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CAVS PhD Student Receives National Defense Scholarship

September 20, 2012

Story PhotoChris Moore, CAVS Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering, was recently awarded the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Skibbie Scholarship Award, according to the NDIA and its Executive Committee.

Moore's research has supported several of the blast-related projects undertaken by CAVS.  For one of the projects, he simulated the blast loading on an SUV due to a buried IED (Improvised Explosive Device).  He also developed a new equation of state (EoS) for water by merging the Tait EoS, which is valid for high pressures, with an extension that is valid for low pressures. This modified EoS allows researchers to simulate cavitation of water in moist soils for buried explosives as well as cavitation in underwater blast.

Moore is a graduate student under Dr. David Thompson, an associate professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, and associate director for the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems leading the Computational Fluid Dynamics group.

"Students like Chris exemplify why we have such an excellent engineering program at Mississippi State.  He demonstrates an understanding of engineering principles and an ability to solve unstructured engineering problems that will allow him to successfully enter into and advance in the engineering profession," stated Dr. Roger King, CAVS director.

The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Lawrence F. Skibbie Graduate Student Scholarship of up to $10,000 is intended to support one or more advanced graduate student(s) in engineering, science, or management. The award will also include a suitable plaque. The student must have a stated interest and career goal in the defense or national security industry.
For more information, contact David Thompson, PhD.
NDIA Skibbie Scholarship Award