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IGBB Crocodilian Research Featured in NSF Video and Popular Press Articles

May 1, 2012

Story PhotoThe National Science Foundation (NSF) released a short video and an accompanying article on the research of Mississippi State University's Dr. David A. Ray (Biochem. & Mol. Biol.) and his collaborators including Dr. Fiona M. McCarthy (CVM Basic Sci.) and Dr. Daniel G. Peterson (Plant & Soil Sci./IGBB). Dr. Ray is PI on two NSF awards on crocodilians and co-PI on an award to study bat mobile elements. These awards are managed by the IGBB. Of note, investment by the IGBB has been critical in turning the first crocodilian award into the nucleus of a full-blown international effort to sequence the genomes of the American alligator, Australian saltwater crocodile, and Indian gharial.

NSF Science Nation video and article

The same video and a slightly shorter article focused on Dr. Ray's research program was also featured on the PBS Newshour.
PBS Newshour video and article

Moreover, Dr. Ray was recently interviewed for the Australian radio programs ABC Rural and ABC PM.
ABC Rural interview
ABC PM interview