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CAVS Undergraduate Students Participate in Research Symposium

August 2, 2013

On August 1st, the 2013 Undergraduate Research Symposium which is hosted by the Shackouls Honors College was held on the Mississippi State University campus. The event is in collaboration with National Science Foundation-funded undergraduate research programs.

Two CAVS summer undergraduates Jeffrey Jinkerson and Jonathan Miller presented their posters at the symposium. Jinkerson's poster was titled Development of Multimodal Driving Environments for Pedestrian Safety Infrastructure Validity Testing while Miller's was BioInspired Design: Using Bovid Horns to Design the Next Generation Football Helmets. Miller placed third in the Physical Sciences and Engineering Category.

The symposium is an opportunity to showcase faculty-guided student research efforts from diverse departments, colleges and research centers across campus. Many undergraduates participate in faculty-guided research throughout the year at Mississippi State. The university is fortunate to have many faculty that involve undergraduates in research and several federally-funded research experiences for undergraduates programs. All undergraduates who are involved in faculty-guided research during the academic year are invited and encouraged to participate in the event through poster presentation, short talk or performance.

For more information about the Shackouls Honors College, please visit their website: Shackouls Honor College. And for CAVS, please see: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems.