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National Acadamies' Gulf Research Program Upcoming Funding Opportunity

April 23, 2015

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies is pleased to announce an upcoming data synthesis funding opportunity that may be of interest to your professional community. The GRP is seeking innovative ideas for the use of existing data collected in the Gulf of Mexico and associated coastal communities to advance understanding of environmental conditions, ecosystem services, and community health and well-being. A number of public and private sector programs are monitoring the physical, environmental and health parameters in the Gulf of Mexico region, and the data collected have the potential to be integrated and synthesized to obtain novel insights and to increase the applicability of scientific research. With this funding opportunity, the program is particularly interested in data integration and synthesis that will stimulate the use of existing observations and monitoring data to either
  • Inform plans and efforts to restore and maintain the services provided by Gulf coastal ecosystems, or
  • Enhance understanding of the Deep Gulf, or the connectivity of the Deep Gulf to the coast, including physical and biological connectivity to coastal communities.
This GRP funding opportunity aims to expand the use and encourage re-use of data collected in the Gulf of Mexico, while advancing the goals of the Gulf Research Program as outlined in its strategic vision.
The types of activities that may be of interest to the data science and informatics research communities could include the following:
  • Development of innovative approaches to data integration, data mining, or visualization that can inform computationally-intensive synthesis of environmental monitoring or restoration data
  • Activities that bring together novel combinations of expertise and groups to develop non-traditional approaches to analyzing existing datasets in efforts to identify additional uses.
  • Activities that explore the challenges of data sharing and synthesis across disciplines.
  • Implementation of projects that integrate large, heterogeneous environmental monitoring or restoration data sets for new interdisciplinary research and decision support.
For notification of when the online application for this opportunity opens, sign up to receive email updates at