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MSU's CAVS Develops Fuel-saving System for Armored Vehicles

August 13, 2015

A North Mississippi-based armored vehicle company will soon manufacture a more fuel-efficient product because of improvements developed by a major Mississippi State research organization.

At the university's Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS), a team of faculty and research staff members, along with graduate and undergraduate students, recently spent nearly a year developing an idle-reduction system for CITE Armored of Holly Springs. Specifically, they came up with changes that reduce fuel consumption of the company's cash-in-transit vehicles.

The "idle off" system developed by the MSU team should improve a vehicle's fuel efficiency by about 20 percent.

The MSU team delivered two working prototypes to the company for field testing last December, along with system blueprints for full-scale production.

CAVS Extension, an MSU unit focused on industrial projects, partnered with the CAVS research team on the CITE project. Director Clay Walden said the CITE project's success embodied what CAVS Extension is meant to accomplish.

"This is a really excellent project, and it demonstrates how we can help Mississippi companies compete successfully using new technology and advanced resources," Walden said.

See the full article at Mississippi State University News.