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Mississippi State's 3MT Winner Goes Global

May 6, 2016

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Mississippi State graduate student Piyush Porwal
The winner of the Office of the Graduate School's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition at Mississippi State has gone global.

Piyush Porwal, a master's student studying mechanical engineering, was named grand champion of the university's most recent 3MT

competition, and is now featured on the University of Queensland's global showcase. Queensland founded and manages the 3MT program.

Porwal focused his research talk on the "Thermal and Fluidic Characterization of Tesla Valve," which earned a $1,000 prize. Click here to view his presentation directly, or visit to see all of the winning 3MT presentations from around the globe.

MSU's Office of the Graduate School seeks to provide students with opportunities to develop methods of independent and systematic investigation. Providing students and faculty with an environment conducive to learning, scholarly activities and professional development also is among its primary missions. For more, visit

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