Method for Digitally Generating the Microstructure for Brittle and Layered Biomaterials
Saleme Ruiz, K., & Stone, T.W. (2013). Method for Digitally Generating the Microstructure for Brittle and Layered Biomaterials. ERDC Interim Report #1. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. 1(1), 1-30.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Centers (USACE- ERDC) is conducting research on high performance materials. This report provides a detailed description of the method that is being used for generating the digital microstructure for both brittle and layered bio- materials. This work is contributing to the development of the computational nanomaterials test-bed under the ERDCs project on \"Discrete Nano-Scale Mechanics and Simulations\". This 1st interim report provides the user with guidance on how to digitally generate a microstructure that is representative of brittle and/or biological materials, such as polycrystalline ceramics and nacre. This report covers three main points: 1. Explanation of the microstructure generation process. 2. Description of the steps for meshing the geometry using Dream.3D. 3. Process for visualization of the generated microstructure using ParaView visualization software. A Subsequent report will describe how to export the digital microstructure to the ERDCs in-house Discrete Element Model (DEM) software for mechanical analysis.