Comments on "extended Zonal Dislocations Mediating {11-22} [11-2-3] Itwinning in Titanium"
El Kadiri, H., & Barrett, C. D. (2013). Comments on "extended Zonal Dislocations Mediating {11-22} [11-2-3] Itwinning in Titanium". Philosophical Magazine. 93(26), 3491-3494.
In a recent paper, Li et al. (Philos. Mag. 92 (2012) p.1006) used results of atomistic simulations to advance a growth mechanism of twinning in titanium based on the concept of two elementary twinning dislocations which nucleate and glide in pairs but separately and sequentially on two neighbouring planes. This new Comment was stimulated after A. Serra, D.J. Bacon and R.C. Pond privately raised concerns on this growth model to one of the present authors, H. El Kadiri, who This was a co-author of the original paper (Philos. Mag. 92 (2012) p.1006). We repeated the simulations and obtained nearly the same simulations results as Li et al. However, after re-analysing these results, we have concluded that the extended extrinsic zonal dislocation mechanism claimed to be that for twin growth in titanium is in fact false, confirming the accuracy of the Comment by Serra et al that results of Li and co-authors were misinterpreted. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.