The Application of Structure from Motion Techniques in Late-season Corn Damage
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., & Hathcock, L. A. (2019). The Application of Structure from Motion Techniques in Late-season Corn Damage. In John V. Stafford (Ed.), Precision Agriculture '19. Montpellier, France: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 405-411. DOI:10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_50.
‘Green snap’ occurs when corn stalks are broken in high wind. Late in the season, green snap produces yield losses that are immediate and irreversible. Losses are proportional to the percentage of plants lost, thus estimation of damage extent is important for calculating economic loss. Unmanned aerial vehicles are capable of creating a 3D-model, called a digital surface model, of the crop canopy using structure from motion techniques. The objective of this study was to compare image- versus structure-based calculations of damaged area. The structure-based calculations were more reflective of the field assessment. While the latter approach showed promise, more development of protocols is needed for reliability and operational success.