Wearable Egocentric Camera as a Monitoring Tool of Free-Living Cigarette Smoking: A Feasibility Study
Imtiaz, M., Hossain, D., Senyurek, V., Belsare, P., Tiffany, S., & Sazonov, E. (2019). Wearable Egocentric Camera as a Monitoring Tool of Free-Living Cigarette Smoking: A Feasibility Study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Oxford University Press. 22(10), 1883-1890.
Wearable sensors may be used for the assessment of behavioral manifestations of cigarette smoking under natural conditions. This paper introduces a new camera-based sensor system to monitor smoking behavior. The goals of this study were (1) identification of the best position of sensor placement on the body and (2) feasibility evaluation of the sensor as a free-living smoking-monitoring tool.