Experimental Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of an Aluminum 7085-T711 Alloy under Large Deformations at Varying Strain Rates, Stress States, and Temperatures
Peterson, L. A., Lacy, T., Horstemeyer, M., & Moser, R. D. (2020). Experimental Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of an Aluminum 7085-T711 Alloy under Large Deformations at Varying Strain Rates, Stress States, and Temperatures. Mechanics of Materials. 151, 103602. DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2020.103602.
The strain rate, stress state, and temperature dependent mechanical behavior of a hot rolled aluminum 7085-T711 alloy is experimentally observed and subsequently modeled using a continuum Internal State Variable (ISV) plasticity-damage constitutive model. Structure-property relationships for the alloy are quantified using a series of microstructural analyses and mechanical property experiments. The calibrated ISV model for the Al 7085-T711 alloy is implemented in an implicit finite element code (Abaqus) to simulate the deformation of notch Bridgman tension specimens at a variety of stress states and temperatures. The ISV model accurately captures the material's elastoplastic behavior by predicting the stress state difference between tension, compression, and torsion and temperature dependent microstructure evolution under large deformations.