Call for ParticipationIEEE Visualization 1999Celebrating Ten YearsOctober 24 - October 29, 1999 Sponsored by the VISUALIZATION is a vital research and applications frontier shared by a variety of science, medical, engineering, business, and entertainment fields. The tenth IEEE Visualization conference focuses on interdisciplinary methods. Collaboration among developers and users of visualization methods across all of science, engineering, medicine, and commerce is addressed at Visualization 99. Sunday through Tuesday of Conference Week will include tutorials, symposia, and mini-workshops. Papers, panels, case studies, and late-breaking hot topics will be presented Wednesday through Friday. We invite you to participate in IEEE Visualization 99 by submitting your original research through papers, panels, case studies, late breaking hot topics, and demonstrations. Share your perspectives through panels and workshops, or your experience through tutorials. Please select the forum appropriate to your submission, where it will be considered by your peers for presentation. Particular focuses on parallel techniques in visualization and information visualization are addressed in special two-day symposia. For further information on the conference or symposia contact: Steve Bryson, Conference Co-Chair, NASA Ames Research Center 650.604.4524 Fax: 650.604.3957 bryson@nas.nasa.gov Theresa-Marie Rhyne, Conference Co-Chair, Lockheed Martin/US EPAScientific Visualization Center 919.541.0207 Fax: 919.541.0056 rhyne.theresa@epa.gov See the conference web page for complete up-to-date information and submission details at http://www.erc.msstate.edu/vis99 Conference Topics
Important Dates
Conference ForumsConference Papers (due March 31, 1999)Papers are solicited that present research results related to all areas of visualization. Original papers are limited to 5,000 words. The submission of NTSC VHS video (up to 5 minutes in length) to accompany the paper is strongly recommended. Please submit 7 copies of all materials to Bernd Hamann (at the address below). Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings; the videos will be included in the conference video proceedings. In addition, we must receive, by submission deadline, a complete paper submission form [on-line web form]. Paper submissions (hard copy only) should be sent to Bernd Hamann, Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing, 2343 Academic Surge Building, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8553, USA 530.754.9157 hamann@cs.ucdavis.edu [updated Mar. 8, 1999] Panel Proposals (due March 31, 1999)Panels should address the most important issues in visualization today. Panel proposals should describe the topic to be addressed and identify the prospective panelists. Each panelist should include a position statement on the topic and a short biography (limit 500 words for both per panelist). The statements will be included in the conference proceedings. Panel proposals (hard copy or email) should be sent to J. Edward Swan, The Naval Research Laboratory, Code 5580, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20375, USA 202.404.4984 Fax: 202.767.1122 swan@ait.nrl.navy.mil Case Study Papers (due March 31, 1999)Case studies are reports on how visualization has contributed to the analysis of data. They may have an application focus or relate to the visualization process. Possible application areas include physical, life, social and information sciences, engineering, and commerce. An emphasis on lessons learned from practical experience is strongly encouraged, particularly where visualization has been employed in a real, working environment. A short paper limited to 2500 words (maximum 4 pages B/W plus 1 page color) will be included in the conference proceedings. Images and/or NTSC VHS video to accompany the paper are recommended; the video will be included in the conference video proceedings. Submit six copies of all materials. Case study submissions (hard copy only) should be sent to David Kao, NASA Ames Research Center, M/S T27A-2, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA davidkao@nas.nasa.gov Late Breaking Hot Topics Papers (due June 15, 1999)Submissions will be accepted on Late Breaking Hot Topics that pertain to all areas of Visualization. These submissions must be original, may show work in progress, and may not exceed 2500 words or a maximum of 4 pages including images. Images and/or NTSC VHS video to accompany the paper are recommended; the video will be included in the conference video proceedings. Accepted papers will be published and distributed at the conference. Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to submit a revised paper. Submissions will be done electronically. Submission details can be found at the conference web site or by contracting Craig Wittenbrink at craig_wittenbrink@hpl.hp.com.Videotapes should be sent to Craig M. Wittenbrink, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 1501 Page Mill Rd, MS3U-4, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126, USA 650.857.2329 Fax: 650.852.3791 Tutorial Proposals (due March 31, 1999)Tutorials are full or half-day presentations designed to cover specific visualization methods or application areas in depth. Subjects can include, but are not limited to, standard visualization techniques, existing languages or toolkits, mathematical fundamentals, databases, usability analysis, or commercialization of software. It is the intention of the Vis 99 tutorial committee to provide one classroom equipped with workstations for hands-on instruction. Tutorials proposing to use this interactive classroom should clearly state this preference, and also how the course is designed for this setting. For more detailed information concerning submission and format content, see the conference web site, or contact Kelly Gaither, Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 9627, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA 601.325.2067 Fax: 601.325.7692 kelly@erc.msstate.edu Mini-Workshop and Birds-of-a-Feather Proposals (due March 31, 1999)Proposals may be submitted for Mini-Workshops and evening Birds-Of-A- Feather (BOF) gatherings on visualization methods or application areas. They should deal with state-of-the-art topics and involve experts in the field. Proposals devoted to a particular disciplines methods and needs are encouraged. Mini-Workshop and Birds-of-a-Feather Proposals (hard copy or email) should be sent to Rob Erbacher, University of Idaho, Department of Computer Science, Moscow, ID 83844-1010, USA erbacher@cs.uidaho.edu Demonstration Proposals (due June 15, 1999)Visualization 99 is a unique opportunity to present your products or research to visualization experts from a wide variety of fields. We invite demonstrations of commercial hardware, software, integrated systems, peripherals, literature, as well as academic research. We encourage demonstrators to have technical representatives in attendance. For more information on participating in Visualization 99 demonstrations, contact Upul Obeysekare at obey@ctc.com Creative Applications Lab (due July 15, 1999)The Creative Applications Lab (CAL) is designed to let Visualization 99 attendees run their software to show off their latest work. CAL will have a variety of computers available. For details on participating in the CAL, see the conference web site or contact Kelly Gaither at 601.325.2067 kelly@erc.msstate.edu IEEE Visualization 99 CommitteesSymposiaSpecial Two-Day Symposia at Visualization '99:
Student VolunteersThis page was last modified Wednesday, October 06, 1999 |