Tutorial Proposal Submission DetailsHalf-day and full-day course proposals are invited for presentation at IEEE Visualization '99. Tutorials will be offered Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Tutorials are designed to cover specific visualization methods or application areas in depth. Subjects can include, but are not limited to, standard visualization techniques, existing languages or toolkits, mathematical fundamentals, databases, usability analysis, or commercialization of software.
All tutorial proposals should include:
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the tutorial's importance and suitability for presentation in a tutorial format, the past experience and qualifications of the instructors, the overall balance in the tutorial program, and the likely attendance of the tutorial. Send Proposals to:Kelly Gaither, Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 9627, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA 601.325.2067 Fax: 601.325.7692 kelly@erc.msstate.edu (e-mail submission is preferred - PostScript, ASCII, HTML, and PDF formats are all acceptable) DeadlineProposals must be received by March 31, 1999! This page was last modified Wednesday, July 14, 1999 |