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CAVS 2115

(662) 325-2189

PO 5405
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Clayton T. Walden (Clay)  
Clayton T. (Clay)
Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems
Executive Director

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 2115

(662) 325-2189

PO 5405
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Dr. Clay Walden serves as the Executive Director of CAVS after serving for many years as the Director of CAVS Extension. He has over 25 years of experience implementing quality and productivity improvements within a variety companies. A partial list of companies includes Mueller Industries, Nissan, Faurecia, PFG Optics, Dover Elevators, Tower Automotive, Herman Miller, and Northrop Grumman Ship Systems.

Since joining CAVS, Walden has managed over $20 million in externally funded contracts primarily focused on improving manufacturing performance around the state. One of his primary responsibilities including managing CAVS Extension's involvement within Mississippi's Manufacturing Extension Partnership ( Since 2006 CAVS Extension's MEP projects around the state have resulted in documented third party impacts of over $5 billion dollars. Walden along with colleague Glenn Dennis received the national MEP Practitioner of the Year for 2008.

Walden has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Mississippi State University. His dissertation is titled "A Taxonomy Based Assessment Methodology for Small and Medium Size Manufacturers." In addition, Walden holds several professional certifications including Six Sigma Black Belt from the American Society for Quality, and is a Jonah from the Goldratt Institute.
Research Interest
Assessments of Manufacturing Enterprises, Design for Manufacturability, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation of Production Systems, Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, Economic Development
Basketball, History, Reading
Selected Publications Total Publications:  151 
Carruth, D. W., Walden, C., Goodin, C., & Fuller, S. (2022). Challenges in Low Infrastructure and Off-Road Automated Driving. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). Detroit, MI, USA. 13-20. DOI:10.1109/MetroCAD56305.2022.00008. [Abstract] [Document Site]

McCall, T. G., Dalton, L., Fuller, S., Watson, T. N., Wall, E. S., Campbell, S., Smith, B. K., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2018). Developments of the Manufacturability Assessment Knowledge-based Evaluation (MAKE) and Application to Case Studies. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension.

McCall, T. G., Fuller, S., Dalton, L., & Walden, C. (2017). Manufacturability Assessment Knowledge-Based Evaluation (MAKE) and a Pilot Case Study. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2017 International Annual Conference. Huntsville, AL. [Document]

McCall, T. G., Walden, C., Dalton, L., Watson, T. N., Fuller, S., Dennis, G., Wall, E. S., & Storey, J. K. (2017). Enhancements to the Manufacturability Knowledge-based Evaluation (MAKE) and a Pilot Case Study. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension.

Greenwood, A., Hill. T. W., Vanguri, S., Walden, C., Miller, J., Eksioglu, B., & Jain, P. (2005). Simulation Optimization Decision Support for Ship Panel Lines. In M. E. Kuhl, N.M. Steiger, F.B. Armstrong, J.A. Joins (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, DC. [Abstract] [Document]