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(662) 325-1677

Kari Babski-Reeves  



(662) 325-1677

Kari Babski-Reeves received her PhD, MS, and BS degrees in Industrial Engineering from Mississippi State University in 2000, 1998, and 1995 respectively. She joined the Industrial and Systems Engineering Faculty in June 2006. Prior to joining MSU, Dr. Babski-Reeves was an assistant professor in the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech.
Research Interest
Dr. Babski-Reeves? research efforts are focused in the areas of human factors, ergonomics, and safety. Specifically, her research interests include industrial ergonomics, work related musculoskeletal disorder prevention and control, occupational biomechanics, psychosocial risk factors, work physiology, occupational safety and health, total body fatigue, localized muscle fatigue, and thermography applications in ergonomics. Her research has been funded by entities such as NIOSH, Honda, Hyundai, UPS, ClimaTech Safety Inc., Revealed Knowledge Inc., John?s Hopkins Public School of Health, and the Virginia Institute for Critical Technologies.

Dr. Babski-Reeves? research has been published in journals including Ergonomics; IEEE Transactions: Man, Systems, and Cybernetics; Human Ecological Risk Assessment, and the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. She is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Society of Automotive Engineers, and the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
Selected Publications Total Publications:  65 
Doyle, P. K., Rinaudo, C. H., Burch V, R. F., & Babski-Reeves, K. (2020). Using Cognitive Task Similarities to Compare UAS Control Station Designs to Air Traffic Control Workstations: a Pilot Study. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Inderscience. 7(2), 174-190. DOI:10.1504/IJHFE.2020.109569. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Banghart, M., Bian, L., Strawderman, L., & Babski-Reeves, K. (2017). Risk Assessment on the EA-6B Aircraft Utilizing Bayesian Networks. Quality Engineering. 29(3), 499-511. [Document Site]

Littell, N., Babski-Reeves, K., McFadyen, G., & McGinley, J. (2007). Musculoskeletal and Performance Effects of Monocular Display Augmented, Articulated Arm Based Laser Digitizing. Human Computer Interaction International 2007. Bejing, China: LNCS Digital Library (LNCS, [Abstract] [Document]

Littell, N., & Babski-Reeves, K. (2007). Postural Effects of Monocular Display Augmented Laser Digitizing. 10th Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference. Dallas, Texas. [Abstract]

Kang, J., McGinley, J., Babski-Reeves, K., & McFadyen, G. (2006). Determining Learning Level And Effective Training Times Using Thermography. In Proceedings of Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL. [Abstract] [Document]