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Publications for: Roger King
Morris, T., Adhikari, U., Pan, S., Younan, N. H., King, R., & Madani, V. (2013). Phasor Measurement Unit and Phasor Data Concentrator Cyber Security. Systems and Optimization Aspects of Smart Grid Challenges. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Han, F. X., Li, Z., Lindner, J., Su, Y., Monts, D., King, R., Xing, B., & Plodinec, J. (2009). Role of Soils and Soil Management for Mitigating Greenhouse Effects. In Fengchang Wu and Baoshan Xing (Eds.), Natural Organic Matter and Its Significance in the Environment . Beijing, PRC: Science Press. 305-322.
Pradhan, P., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). Concepts of Image Fusion in Remote Sensing Applications. In Tania Stathaki (Ed.), Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications. Elsevier Science: ISBN-13: 978-0-12-372529-5. 520.
Shah, V., Durbha, S. S., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). A Computation Reduction Technique to Primitive Feature Extraction for Image Information Mining via the Use of Wavelets. In M. Graña and R. Duro (Eds.), Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing. Springer Verlag: ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6. 133, 245-266.
Chao, W., King, R., Dongmei, Y., & Guoging, Z. (2007). In Chao, King, Dongmei, Guoging (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observation Satellites. Science Press. 1-639.
Lunetta, R., & King, R. (2006). Guest Editors. GIScience & Remote Sensing Multi-Temporal Imagery Analysis (Special Issue). 43(1).
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Kurte, K. R., Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Vatsavai, R. (2017). Semantics-Enabled Framework for Spatial Image Information Mining of Linked Earth Observation Data. IEEE Journal of Selected topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS). IEEE. 10(1), 29-44.
Boni, M., Anderson, D., & King, R. (2016). Hybrid Measure of Agreement and Expertise for Ontology Matching in lieu of a Reference Ontology. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 31(5), 502–525. DOI:10.1002/int.21792.
Morris, T., Pan, S., Adhikari, U., Younan, N. H., King, R., & Madani, V. (2016). Cyber Security Testing and Intrusion Detection for Synchrophasor Systems. International Journal of Cyberspace Sciences and Emergency Management. Inderscience Publishers. 1(1), 28-52.
Rhee, H., Whittington, W. R., Oppedal, A. L., Sherif, A. R., King, R., Kim, H., & Lee, C. (2015). Mechanical Properties of Novel Aluminum Metal Matrix Metallic Composites: Application to Overhead Conductors. Materials & Design. Elsevier. 88(25), 16-21. DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.08.109. [Abstract]
Dahal, N., AbuOmar, O., King, R., & Madani, V. (2015). Event Stream Processing for Improved Situational Awareness in the Smart Grid. Expert Systems with Applications. 42(20), 6853–6863. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.05.003. [Document Site]
Dahal, N., AbuOmar, O., King, R., & Madani, V. (2015). Event Stream Processing for Improved Situational Awareness in the Smart Grid. Expert Systems with Applications. Elsevier. 42(20), 6853–6863. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.05.003.
Tari, V., Rollett, A. D., El Kadiri, H., Beladi, H., Oppedal, A. L., & King, R. (2015). The Effect of Deformation Twinning on Stress Localization in a Three Dimensional TWIP Steel Microstructure. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. IOPscience. 23(4), 045010. DOI:10.1088/0965-0393/23/4/045010. [Abstract] [Document Site]
AbuOmar, O., Nouranian, S., King, R., Ricks, T., & Lacy, T. (2015). Comprehensive Mechanical Property Classification of Vapor-grown Carbon Nanofiber/vinyl Ester Nanocomposites Using Support Vector Machines. Computational Materials Science. Elsevier. 99, 316-325. DOI:10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.12.029. [Document]
Di, L., Yue, P., Ramapriyan, H., & King, R. (2013). Geoscience Data Provenance: An Overview. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 51(11), 5065-5072.
Di, L., Ramapriyan, H., Yue, P., & King, R. (2013). Introduction to the Special Issue on Geoscience Data Provenance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 51(11), 5062-5064.
AbuOmar, O., Nouranian, S., King, R., Bouvard, J.-L., Toghiani, H., Lacy, T., & Pittman, C. (2013). Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Materials Science and Engineering: A Polymer Nanocomposites Case Study. Advanced Engineering Informatics. Elsevier. 27(4), 615-624. DOI:10.1016/j.aei.2013.08.002. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
Bovolo, F., Bruzzone, L., & King, R. (2013). Introduction to the Special Issue on Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 51(4), 1867-1869.
Younan, N. H., Aksoy, S., & King, R. (2012). Foreward to the Special Issue on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 5(5), 1331-1334.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Prakash, A., & Younan, N. H. (2012). Transfer Learning for Image Information Mining Applications. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. 3(3), 203-219. DOI:10.1080/19479832.2012.698658.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2012). Ensemble Methodology using Multistage Learning for Improved Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). 9(5), 827-831. DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2011.2182032.
Arockiasamy, A., Toghiani, H., Oglesby, D., Horstemeyer, M., Bouvard, J.-L., & King, R. (2012). TG-DSC-FTIR-MS Study of Gaseous Compounds Evolved during Thermal Decomposition of Styrene-butadiene Rubber. Journal Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Springer. 111, 535-539.
Antonyraj, A., Toghiani, H., Oglesby, D., Horstemeyer, M., Bouvard, J.-L., & King, R. (2012). TGA-DTA-FTIR-MS Study of Gaseous Compounds Evolved During Thermal Decomposition of Rubber. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 109(1), 8. DOI:10.1007/s10973-012-2559-0.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2011). A Machine Learning Based Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Approach for Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 4(3), 710-720. [Document Site]
Plaza, A., Du, Q., Chang, Y., & King, R. (2011). High Performance Computing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 4(3), 528-544.
Plaza, A., Du, Q., Chang, Y. L., & King, R. (2011). Foreword to the Special Issue on High Performance Computing in Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 4(3), 503-507.
Qatu, M., King, R., Shubailat, O., & Wheeler, R. (2011). Vehicle Design for Robust Driveline NVH Due to Imbalance and Runout Using a Monte Carlo Process. International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems. SAE. 4(2), 1033-1038.
Lunetta, R., Civco, D., King, R., Bruzzone, L., & Lyon, J. (2011). Introduction to the Special Section on the Fifth International Workshop on Multi-temporal Imagery Analysis. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 4(2), 251.
Zhang, Y., Antonyraj, A., Pittman, C., & King, R. (2011). Studies of Organo-clays with Functionalized Pillaring Agents. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. [Document Site]
Inggs, M., King, R., & Davis, C. (2011). Foreword to the Special Issue on the 2009 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 49, 3-5.
Han, F. X., King, R., Lindner, J., Yu, T. Y., Durbha, S. S., Younan, N. H., Su, Y., Luthe, J. C., & Plodinec, J. M. (2011). Nutrient Fertilizer Requirements for Sustainable Biomass Supply to Meet U.S. Bioenergy Goal. Biomass and Bioenergy. Elsevier. 35, 253-262.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Amanchi, S. K., Bheemireddy, S., & Younan, N. H. (2010). Standards Based Middleware and Tools for the Coastal Sensor Web Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 3(4), 451-466.
Antonyraj, A., Eliezer, D., Wang, P., Horstemeyer, M., & King, R. (2010). Effect of Cathodic Charging on Al-32Si-2Cu Alloy in Acidic Solution. Materials Research. 13(3), 361-367. [Document]
Antonyraj, A., Eliezer, D., Wang, P., Horstemeyer, M., & King, R. (2010). Electrochemical Hydrogenation and Corrosion Studies of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Alloy in Acidic Solution. Anti Corrosion Methods and Materials;. 57(6), 280-89. [Document Site]
Antonyraj, A., German, R. M., Heaney, D. F., Wang, P., Horstemeyer, M., King, R., & Adcock, B. (2010). Effect of Additives on Sintering Response of Titanium by Powder Injection Molding. Powder Metallurgy. In press (May 2010). [Document]
Steele, P., Hartley, I., Cooper, J., Conners, T., & King, R. (2010). The Differential Thermal Response of Knots and Clear Wood Following Rapid Heating. Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. 21(1), 30-47.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2010). Wrapper-Based Feature Subset Selection for Rapid Image Information Mining. Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters. IEEE. 7(1), 43 - 47.
Shah, V., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2010). Feature Identification via a Combined ICA-Wavelet Method for Image Information Mining. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. IEEE. 7(1), 18-22.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2010). Feature Identification via a Combined ICA-Wavelet Method for Image Information Mining. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 7(1), 18-22.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Shah, V. P., & Younan, N. H. (2009). A Framework for Semantic Reconciliation of Disparate Earth Observation Thematic Data. Computers and Geosciences. Elsevier. 35(4), 761-773.
Madani, V., & King, R. (2008). Strategies to Meet Grid Challenges for Safety and Reliability. International Journal of Reliability and Safety. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. 2(1/2), 146-165.
Du, Q., Raksuntorn, N., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. Applied Optics. 47, F77-F84.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2008). An Information Semantics Approach for Knowledge Management and Interoperability for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. IEEE Systems Journal. IEEE. 2(3), 358-365.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). The Joint Spectral and Spatial Quality Evaluation of Pan-Sharpening Algorithms. Journals of Applied Remote Sensing. 2.
Mostovoy, G. V., Anantharaj, V. G., King, R., & Filippova, M. G. (2008). Interpretation of the Relationship between Skin Temperature and Vegetation Fraction: Effect of Subpixel Soil Temperature Variability. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29(10), 2819-2831.
Shah, V., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). An Efficient Pan-Sharpening Method via a Combined Adaptive PCA Approach and Contourlets. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 46(5), 1323-1335.
Ruffin, C., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2008). On a Combined Derivative Spectroscopy and Savitzky-Golay Filtering Method for the Analysis of Hyperspectral Data. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 45(1), 1-15.
Du, Q., Younan, N. H., King, R., & Shah, V. P. (2007). On the Performance Evaluation of Pan-Sharpening Techniques. IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters. 4(4), 518-522.
Madani, V., & King, R. (2007). Strategies and Applications to Meet Grid Challenges and Enhance Power System Performance. 2007 Power Engineering Society Meeting. Tampa, FL. 1-9.
Datcu, M., King, R., Bruzzone, L., & D, S. (2007). Introduction to the Special Section on Image Information Mining for Earth Observation Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing - Special Issue on Image Information Mining. IEEE. 45(4), 795 - 798.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2007). A Systematic Approach to Wavelet Decomposition Level Selection for Image Information Mining from Geospatial Data Archives. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sending. 45(4), 875-878.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Support Vector Machines Regression for Retrieval of Leaf Area Index from Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer. Remote Sensing of Environment Special Issue: Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiomenter (MISR). 107(1), 348-361.
Hutto, K. C., Shaw, D. R., Byrd, J. D., & King, R. (2006). Differentiation of Turfgrass and Weed Species Using Hyperspectral Radiometry. Weed Science. 54(2), 335-339.
Mostovoy, G. V., King, R., Reddy, R., Kakani, V. G., & Filippova, M. G. (2006). Statistical Estimation of Daily Maximum and Minimum Air Temperatures from MODIS LST Data over the State of Mississippi. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 43(1), 78-110. [Document]
King, R., Rosenberger, A., & Kanda, L. L. (2005). Artificial Neural Networks and 3-D Digital Morphology: A Pilot Study. Folia Primatologica. 76(6), 303-324.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2005). Semantics-Enabled Framework for Knowledge Discovery From Earth Observation Data Archives. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 43, 2563-2572.
Younan, N. H., King, R., & Bennett, H. H. (2004). Classification of Hyperspectral Data: A Comparative Study. Journal of Precision Agriculture. 5(1), 41-53.
Lawrence, G. W., Kelley, A. T., King, R., Vickery, J., Lee, H. K., & McLean, K. S. (2004). Remote Sensing and Precision Nematicide Applications for Rotylenchulus Reniformis Management in Mississippi Cotton. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives 2.
O'Hara C., King, J., Cartwright, J. H., & King, R. (2003). Multitemporal Land Use & Land Cover Classification of Urbanized Area Within Sensitive Coastal Environments. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 41(9), 2005-2014.
Kelley, A. T., Lawrence, G. W., King, R., Vickery, J., & Lee, H. (2003). Spectral Classification of Reniform Nematode (Rotylenchulus Reniformis) Infested Cotton Plants Using Self-Organized Maps. Journal of Nematology. 35, 346.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
King, R., & Prabhu, R. (2017). Data Mining the Effects of Testing Conditions on Brain Biomechanical Properties. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Data Mining. Las Vegas, NV.
Bhangale, U. M., Kurte, K. R., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2016). Big Data Processing Using HPC for Remote Sensing Disaster Data. 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Beijing, China.
Kurte, K. R., Bhangale, U. M., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2016). Accelerationg Bigdata Processing Chain in Image Information Mining Using a Hybrid HPC Approach. 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Beijing, China.
Bharambe, U., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2016). Use of Geo-Ontology Matching to Measure the Degree of Interoperability. 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Beijing, China.
Anderson, D., Islam, M., King, R., Younan, N. H., Fairley, J., Howington, S., Petry, F., Elmore, P., & Zare, A. (2016). Binary Fuzzy Measures and Choquet Integration for Multi-Source Fusion. ICMT. ICMT.
King, R., AbuOmar, O., & Younan, N. H. (2016). Data Stream Processing for Situational Awareness. 2016 Conference on Big Data from Space - BiDS'16. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
AbuOmar, O., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Data Stream Mining for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data. 8th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images. Annecy, France: IEEE.
Bethel, C. L., Carruth, D. W., Garrison, T. M., & King, R. (2015). Robot Needs Assessment and Issues Discovered from Tactical SWAT Team Exercises. NATO CSO STO AVT-241/RSM-022 Technological and Operational Problems Connected with UGV Application for Future Military Operations. Rseszow, Poland.
AbuOmar, O., Nouranian, S., King, R., Ricks, T., & Lacy, T. (2014). Mechanical Property Classification of Vapor-Grown Carbon Nanofiber/Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites Using Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Data Mining. Las Vegas, NV. [Document] [Document Site]
AbuOmar, O., Nouranian, S., King, R., & Lacy, T. (2014). On Materials Informatics and Knowledge Discovery: Mechanical Characterization of Vapor-Grown Carbon Nanofiber/ Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites. Shechtman International Symposium, June 29- July 04, 2014. Cancun, Mexico. [Document] [Document Site]
Madani, V., Barach, J., Day, D., Goetsky, J., Jampala, A., Giri, J., King, R., & Morris, T. (2014). Advanced EMS Applications Using Synchrophasor Systems for Grid Operation. 2014 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition. Chicago, IL.
Gourini, R. K., Durbha, S., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2014). Ntic Integration of Coastal Buoys Data. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Image Information Mining. Bucharest, Romania.
M. Al Boni, AbuOmar, O., & King, R. (2014). ReShare: An Operational Ontology Framework for Research Modeling, Combining and Sharing. Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 2014 International Conference on, Vol 1. Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE. 1, 327 - 333. DOI:10.1109/CSCI.2014.63. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
M. Al Boni, Anderson, D., & King, R. (2013). Constraints-Preserving Genetic Algorithm for Learning Fuzzy Measures with an Application to Ontology Matching. Advance Trends in Soft Computing. San Antonio, TX, USA: Springer International Publishing. 312, 93-103. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-03674-8_9. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
Andugula, P., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2013). Domain Adaptation Approach for Classification of High Resolution Post- Disaster Data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Melbourne, Australia.
AbuOmar, O., Nouranian, S., & King, R. (2013). Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Viscoelastic Properties of Vapor-Grown Carbon Nanofiber/Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites. The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM19), July 28-August 2, 2013. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [Document]
Jampala, A., Giri, J., Madani, V., Glavic, M., & King, R. (2013). Practical Challenges of Integrating Synchrophasor Applications into an EMS. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference. Washington, D.C.. DOI:10.1109/ISGT.2013.6497847.
Prakash, A., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2012). Muli-task Learning for Disaster Image Mining. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Image Information Mining: Knowledge Discovery from Earth Observations. DLR, Germany.
Adhikari, U., Morris, T., Dahal, N., Pan, S., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Madani, V. (2012). Development of Power System Test Bed for Data Mining of Synchrophasors Data, Cyber-Attack and Relay Testing in RTDS. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. 2012 Power Energy Society General Meeting/San Diego, CA: IEEE. [Abstract]
King, R. (2012). Utility as Applied to Small Satellite Risk Based Decision-Making. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2012; Munich, Germany: IEEE.
Dahal, N., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2012). Geo-Enabled Synchrophasor Data Exchange Framework Based on Sensor Web. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting. San Diego, CA: IEEE.
Bharambe, U., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2012). Geospatial Ontologies Matching: An Information Theoretic Approach. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2012; Munich, Germany: IEEE.
Dahal, N., King, R., & Madani, V. (2012). Online Dimension Reduction of Synchrophasor Data. Proeceddings of 2012 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference. Orlando, FL: IEEE. DOI:10.1109/TDC.2012.6281467.
AbuOmar, O., King, R., & Rhee, H. (2012). Optimization of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Classification of 1st and 2nd Generation AHSS. TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition. Orlando, FL.
Morris, T., Pan, S., Lewis, J., Moorhead, J., Younan, N. H., King, R., Freund, M., & Madani, V. (2011). Cybersecurity Testing of Substation Phasor Measurement Units and Phasor Data Concentrators. Proceedings of The 7th Annual ACM Cyber Secruity and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW).. The 7th Annual ACM Cyber Secruity and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW)/Oak Ridge, TN: ACM. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2011). Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Approach on Multi-Temporal Coastal Remote Sensing Datasets. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Vancouver, Canada.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2011). Evaluating transfer Learning Approaches for Image Information Mining Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Vancouver, Canada.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2011). Investigation of Evolutionary Feature Subset Selection in Multi-Temporal Datasets for Harmful Algal Bloom Detection. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images. Trento, Italy.
King, R., AbuOmar, O., Rhee, H., Konstantinidis, A., Pavlidou, N., & Petrou, M. (2011). On Materials Informatics and Pattern Formation in Materials. ENOC 2011. Rome, Italy. [Abstract]
Palacharla, P. K., Durbha, S. S., King, R., Gokaraju, B., & Lawrence, G. W. (2011). A Hyperspectral Reflectance Data Based Model Inversion Methodology to Detect Reniform Nematodes in Cotton. 6th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Proceedings. Trento, Italy: European Space Agency (ESA) and IGARSS. 249-252. [Document Site]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2011). Ontology Matching Approach for Geospatial Domain Interoperability. Proceeding of the Image Information Mining: Geospatial Intelligence from Earth Observation. Ispra, Italy.
Antonyraj, A., Marin, E., Ma, Q., Wang, P., Horstemeyer, M., & King, R. (2010). Re-Crystallization Studies of a Channel-Die Compressed AM30 Magnesium Alloy. TMS 2011. California. [Document Site]
Madani, V., & King, R. (2010). Roadmaps for Deployment of Advanced Warning Systems to Improve Overall Grid Reliability: Setting the Stage. Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: IEEE. 1-7.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2010). An Improved Ensemble Approach with Probabilistic Neural Network Combinational Algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2010). An Ontology Alighnment Method for Earth Observations Data Interoperability. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2010). An Improved Ensemble Approach for Reduction of False Alarm Rate in Harmful Algal Bloom Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Santhosh, A., Bheemireddy, S., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Information Services and Middleware for the Coastal Web. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM). Miami, FL.
Dahal, N., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Sensor Web for Interoperability in Power Systems. Proceedings of the 2009 North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2009).
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Sensor Web and Data Mining Approaches for Harmful Algal Bloom Detection and Monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico Region. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International. Cape Town, South Africa: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). 3(III), 789-792. [Document Site]
Bheemireddy, S., Durbha, S. S., King, R., Santhosh, A., & Younan, N. H. (2009). An Ontology Merging Tool to Facilitate Interoperability between Coastal Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa.
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Sensor Web and Data Mining Approaches for Harmful Algal Bloom Detection and Monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico Region. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa.
Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., King, R., Han, F. X., Long, Z., Zhu, H., & Rongali, N. (2009). Data Assimilation for Assessing Terrestrial Carbon Pools in the Southern United States. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on REmote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE). Stresa, Italy.
Dahal, N., Vinoth, M., Durbha, S. S., Srivastava, A., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Schulz, N. N. (2009). Wide Area Monitoring Using Common Information Model and Sensor Web. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Power Systems Conference. Seattle, WA.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Amanchi, S. K., & Bheemireddy, S. (2008). Standards-based Coastal Sensor Web. Proceedings of International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM-08). Pisa, Italy.
Du, Q., Raksuntorn, N., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). Variants of N-FINDR Algorithm for Endmember Extraction. Proceedings of SPIE Europe-Remote Sensing.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Gokaraju, B., & Younan, N. H. (2008). A Proposal for the Standardization of Image Information Mining Systems via OGC Web Services Framework. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008.. Boston, MA: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). 3(III), 648-651. [Document Site]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2008). A Proposal for the Standardization of Image Information Mining Systems via OGC Web Services Framework. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Boston, MA.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2008). An Adaptive Spectral Transformation Approach to Pan-Sharpening. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2008). Coastal Buoy Sensors Data Integration: A Need for Syntactic and Semantic Standardization. Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration AAAI/SSS Workshop. Stanford, USA.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2008). Feature Identification via a Combined ICA-Wavelet Method for Image Information Mining. Proceedings of Image Information Mining: pursuing automation of geospatial intelligence for environment and security.
Doshi, R., King, R., & Lawrence, G. W. (2008). Self-Organized Maps-based Spectral Prediction of Rotylenchulus Reniformis Population Numbers. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007. IGARSS 2007. IEEE International. 444-447. [Document]
King, R., Durbha, S. S., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Shared Ontologies to Facilitate Semantic Interoperability in Earth Observation Archives. Proceedings of PV 2007 - Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to Scientific and Technical Data. Wessling, Germany.
Shah, V., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2007). An Adaptive PCA-Based Approach to Pan Sharpening. Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing.
King, R., Durbha, S. S., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Sensor Web Enablement for Coastal Buoys and the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS). Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing. Florence,Italy.
Doshi, R., King, R., & Lawrence, G. W. (2007). Self Organized Maps for Multi-Temporal Spectral Classification of Nematode Species Proceedings of the 4Th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote SEnsing Images (Multitemp-2007). Leuven, Belgium.
Shah, V., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2007). Pan-Sharpening via the Counterlet Transform. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (CD ROM). Barcelona, Spain.
Doshi, R., King, R., & Lawrence, G. W. (2007). Wavelet-SOM in Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Data for Classification of Nematode Species. Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. 2818-2821.
Doshi, R., King, R., & Lawrence, G. W. (2007). Self Organized Maps Based Spectral Prediction of Rotylenchulus Reniformis Numbers. Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium . Barcelona, Spain.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Shah, V. P., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Image Information Mining for Coastal Disaster Management. Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2007). Application of the Countourlet Transform for Image Information Mining in Earth Observation Data Archives. Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
Du, Q., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2007). Change Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images. Leuven, Spain.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2007). Multiresolution Segmentation Method for Feature Extraction in Image Information Mining. Proceedings of the American Society for Photogammetry and Remote Sensing Conference (CD ROM). Tampa, FL.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2007). Image Information Mining from Geospatial Archives Based on a Combination of the Wavelet Transform and Fourier Phase Descriptor. Proceedings of SPIE: Defense and Security. 6570.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2007). A Novel Method to Evaluate the Performance of Pan-Sharpening Algorithms. Proceedings of SPIE: Defense and Security. 6571.
Lawrence, G. W., King, R., Ellis, G. R., Doshi, R., Lawrence, K. S., Samson, S., & Caceres, C. (2007). Population Estimation of the Reniform Nematode Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Data and Applications to Variable Rate Nematicide Applications. Proceedings of the National BeltwideCotton Conference, National Cotton Council. Memphis, TN. 1.
Anantharaj, V. G., Fitzpatrick, P. J., Li, Y., King, R., & Mostovoy, G. V. (2006). Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Surface Fluxes of an Atmospheric Model. IGARSS 2006. Denver, CO. [Document]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Shah, P., & Younan, N. H. (2006). Semantics-Enabled Knowledge Management for Global Earth Observation System of Systems. IGARSS 2006, Denver, CO. CDRom.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2006). Support Vector Machines Regression to Estimate Leaf Area Index from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer. Proceedings of 3rd International symposium on FIEOS, Beijing, China. CDRom.
King, R. (2006). Semantics-Enabled Knowledge Management for Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites. Beijing, China.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Shah, V. P., Shaw, D. R., & Banicescu, I. (2006). An Image Information Mining Framework for Rapid Assessment and Response in Coastal Disaster Events. Proceedings of IEEE ESA-EUSC 2006: Image Information Mining for Security and Intelligence. Madrid, Spain: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Shah, P., Durbha, S. S., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2005). A Wavelet-Based Approach For Knowledge Mining In Earth Observation Data Archives. ESA-EUSC 2005: Image Information Mining - Theory and Application to Earth Observation. Frascati, Italy.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2005). Leveraging the Semantic Web Technologies for Knowledge Discovery from Earth Observation Data Archives. ESA-EUSC 2005, Image Information Mining Theory and Application to Earth Observation, Italy.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2005). Semantics Driven Framework for Coastal Zones. Proceedings of IGARSS05 symposium. Seoul, S. Korea. CDRom.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2005). Semantics Enabled Framework for Knowledge Discovery from Earth Observation Data in Coastal Zones. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies. Orlando, FL. 1, 18-23.
King, R., Poston, D. H., Wasson, L. L., & Givens, W. A. (2005). A Comprehensive Threat Management Framework for a Crop Biosecurity National Architecture. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Seoul, Korea. 1, 2105-2108. [Document]
Shah, P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2005). Wavelet Features for Information Mining in Remote Sensing Archives. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seoul, Korea. VIII, 5630-5633.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2005). Interoperability in Costal Zone Monitoring Systems: Resolving Semantic Heterogeneities Through Ontology Driven Middleware. Proceedings of IGARSS05 symposium. Seoul, S. Korea. CDRom.
Pradhan, P., King, R., Haupt, T., & Anantharaj, V. G. (2004). The Cyberinfrastructure and Image Information Mining. IGARSS 2004. Anchorage, USA: IEEE. CDRom, 180-183. [Abstract]
Anantharaj, V. G., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2004). Nonparametric Detection of Cloudy Pixels in AVHRR NDVI Data. Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CDRom, 1037.
Anantharaj, V. G., Fitzpatrick, P. J., King, R., & Wasson, L. L. (2004). Incorporation of MODIS Landcover Data to Improve Land Surface Parameterization in the COAMPS Numerical Weather Prediction Model. Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CDRom, 4095-4098.
Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2004). Knowledge Mining in Earth Observation Data Archives: A Domain Ontology Perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CDRom.
King, R., & Birk, R. J. (2004). Developing Earth System Science Knowledge to Manage Earth?s Natural Resources. IEEE Computing In Science and Engineering. 6(1), 45-51.
O'Hara C., & King, R. (2003). A Computational Mapping Engine Portal for Accessing Geolibraries. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Toulouse, France. CDRom.
Bruce, L.M., Younan, N. H., King, R., & Cheriyadat, A. (2003). Spectral Reduction Image Processing Techniques. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Toulouse, France. CDRom.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2010). An Improved Ensemble Approach with Probabilistic Neural Network-Combinational Algorithm. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International. Hawaii: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). 3430-3433. [Document Site]
Antonyraj, A., Morgan, W., Bouvard, J.-L., Marin, E., Wang, P., Horstemeyer, M., & King, R. (2010). Microstructural Studies of Deformation and Damage Mechanisms in Thermoplastics. 10th Southern School of Computational Chemistry and Materials Science conference. Jackson, MS. [Document]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Rajender, S., & Bheemireddy, S. (2009). Standards-Based Data Models and Web Services for Coastal Ocean Observations. Coastal Geotools 09.
Durbha, S. S., Younan, N. H., King, R., Han, F. X., & Long, Z. (2008). A Rapid Prototyping Capability Experiment to Assess Terrestrial Carbon Pools in Southern United States. 2008 NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop. Maryland, USA.
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Gokaraju, B., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Spatio-temporal Data Mining Approach for Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of Graduate Student Association Symposium. Starkville, MS; Mississippi State University.
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Madani, V., Kanabar, M., Gharpure, V., King, R., & Adamiak, M. (2013). Practical Aspects While Deploying and Testing of Large Scale Synchrophasor Systems. Proceedings of 40th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference. Spokane, WA.
Madani, V., Rahmatian, F., Novosel, D., & King, R. (2013). Balancing Technology and System Reliability - Methodology for Deploying Advanced Technology. 2013 IREP Symposium-Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Rethymnon, Greece.
Martin, H. J., Hicks, A., Horstemeyer, C., Turnage, S., Florea, R. S., Whittington, W. R., Marin, E., & King, R. (2012). Welded Aluminum 6061: The Effect of Corrosion on Yield Strength. 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Morris, T., Pan, S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Madani, V., Altroshenko, M., & Freund, M. (2012). Cyber Security Testing of Phasor Measurement Units and Phasor Data Concentrators. 2012 NASPI Proceedings. North American SynchroPhasor Initiative Working Group Meeting/Orlando, FL: NASPI. [Abstract]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Gokaraju, B., & Younan, N. H. (2008). A Proposal for the Standardization of Image Information Mining Systems via OGC Web Services Framework. IGARSS 08 Conference.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Amanchi, S. K., & Bheemireddy, S. (2008). Information Semantic Approach for Interoperability in an Integrated Ocean Observation System. Northern Gulf Institute. Biloxi, MS.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Gokaraju, B. (2008). A Proposal for the Standardization of Image Information Mining Systems via OGC Web Services Framework. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Image Information Mining. Frascati, Italy: European Space Agency and European Union Satellite Center(ESA-EUSC).
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Bheemireddy, S., & Amanchi, S. (2008). Information Semantic Tools for Knowledge Discovery In Integrated Ocean Observing System. IGARSS 08. Boston, MA.
Lawrence, G. W., King, R., Doshi, R., Lawrence, K. S., Overstreet, C., Norwood, S. H., Winstead, A. T., Caceres, J., & Wollcot, M. (2008). Combination of Hyper Spectral Reflectance, Soil Electrical Conductivity and Real Time NDVI for Estimating In Field Reniform Nematode Numbers. Beltwide Cotton Conference. Nashville, Tennessee. [Document]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Gokaraju, B. (2008). A Proposal for the Standardization of Image Information Mining Systems via OGC Web Services Framework. IGARSS 08. Boston, MA.
Shah, V. P., Younan, N. H., Durbha, S. S., & King, R. (2007). Image Information Mining from Geospatial Archives Based on Combination of the Wavelet Transform and Fourier Phase Descriptor. Proc. of SPIE on Data Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security Conference. Orlando, FL: SPIE Defense and Security Symposium. 6570.
Durbha, S. S., Ling, Y., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Coastal Sensor Web Enablement: Syntactic Standardization and Semantic Enrichment. Coastal Geotools. Myrtle Beach, SC.
King, R., Durbha, S. S., & Younan, N. H. (2007). Shared Ontologies to Facilitate Semantic Interoperability in Earth Observation Archives. PV International Conference. Paris, France.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Rajender, S. K., & Bheemireddy, S. (2007). Information Semantic Tools for Coastal Data Management. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Anantharaj, V. G., Fitzpatrick, P. J., Li, Y., King, R., & Johnson, E. (2006). An Analysis of MODIS Landuse Data on a Gulf Coast Sea Breeze Simulation. Proceeding of the 10th Symposium on IOAS-AOLS, 86th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. Atlanta, GA. 10IOAS(8). [Abstract] [Document]
Anantharaj, V. G., King, R., Li, Y., & Fitzpatrick, P. J. (2005). Influences of MODIS Land Use Data on High Resolution Numerical Weather. EIGS Research Symposium, Stennis Space Center, MS. [Document]
Ge, Y., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2005). Adaptive Subspace Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery. International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. CDRom.
Kari, S., & King, R. (2005). Insights From the Use of A Standard Taxonomy For Remote Sensing Analysis. Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment. St. Petersburg, Russia. CDRom.
King, R., Durbha, S. S., & Younan, N. H. (2005). Interoperability in Coastal Zone Monitoring Systems: Resolving Semantic Heterogeneities Through Ontology Driven Middleware. Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Du, Q., Wasson, L. L., & King, R. (2005). Unsupervised Linear Unmixing for Change Detection in Multitemporal Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Biloxi, MS. CDRom.
Mostovoy, G. V., Reddy, R., Kakani, V. G., & King, R. (2005). Using MODIS LST Data for High-Resolution Estimates of Daily Air Temperature over Mississippi. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Biloxi, MS. CDRom, 5.
Mostovoy, G. V., King, R., Reddy, R., & Kakani, V. G. (2005). Using MODIS LST Data for High-resolution Estimates of Daily Air Temperature over Mississippi. Proceedings of 2005 MS Water Resources Conference. CDRom.
King, R. (2004). Archived Imagery: The Undiscovered Country And The Need For Exploration. ESA-EUSC 2004 Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Driven Image Information Mining, with Focus on Earth Observation.
Wasson, L. L., Shaw, D. R., & King, R. (2004). Meteorological Parameters in Watershed Modeling Derived through Remote Sensing. Proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 68, 342.
King, R. (2003). Putting Information into the Service of Decision-Making: The Role of Remote Sensing Analysis. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data. Washington, DC.
Lee, H., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2003). A Hybrid Model for DTM Generation from Lidar Signatures. ASPRS-MAPPS Terrain Data: Applications and Visualization - Making the Connection.
King, R., & Birk, R. J. (2003). Science for Society: Delivering Earth System Science Knowledge for Decision Support in the Year 2025. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Toulouse, France. CDRom.
King, R. (2003). NASA?s Vision on Monitoring Natural Resources in the 21st Century. Proceedings Second International Workshop On The Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (Multitemp-2003). Ispra, Italy. CDRom.
Ramnath, V. K., King, R., Younan, N. H., & Shi, J. (2003). Estimation of Soil Moisture Using RADARSAT Repeat-passes. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Toulouse, France. CDRom.
Zhang, X., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2003). Soil Texture Classification Using Wavelet Transform and Maximum Likelihood Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CDRom.
Kelley, A. T., Lawrence, G. W., Vickery, J., King, R., & Lee, H. (2003). Detection and Population Estimation of the Reniform Nematode on Cotton Using Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Data. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, National Cotton Council. Memphis TN. 1, 241-244.
Younan, N. H., Lee, H., & King, R. (2003). DTM Error Minimization Via Adaptive Smoothing (LIDAR Forest Measurements). IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 6, 3611-3613.
O'Hara C., & King, R. (2002). Digital Data Libraries of Geospatial Data and Information Products for Transportation Assessment & Planning. Pecora 15 and Land Satellite Information IV Conference. Denver, CO.
O'Hara C., King, R., Cartwright, J. H., & King, J. (2002). Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies Application for Developing Options to Relocate CSX Railroad from Mississippi Gulf Coast Townships. Proceedings of the 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. CDRom.
King, R., & O'Hara C. (2002). A Synthesis of Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Assessment. Pecora 15 and Land Satellite Information IV Conference. Denver, CO.
Lawrence, G. W., Kelley, A. T., King, R., Vickery, J., Lee, H., & McLean, K. S. (2002). Remote Sensing and Precision Nematicide Applications for Reniform Nematode Management in Mississippi Cotton. Fourth International Congress of Nematology. 4(2).
Lee, H., Younan, N. H., & King, R. (2002). Hyperspectral Image Cube Compression Combining JPEG-2000 and Spectral Decorrelation. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 6, 3317-3319.
Luo, J., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2002). An Unmixing Algorithm Based on Vicinal Information. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 3, 1453-1455.
Vickery, J., & King, R. (2002). An Intelligent Differencing GPS Algorithm and Method for Remote Sensing. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2, 1281-1283.
Bruce, L.M., Tamhankar, H., Mathur, A., & King, R. (2002). Multiresolutional Texture Analysis of Multispectral Imagery for Automated Ground Cover Classification. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 1, 312-314.
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Wasson, L. L., & Pradhan, P. (2002). Virtual Remote Sensing: a Holistic Modeling Approach. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2, 723-725.
King, R., Ruffin, C., Vickery, J., Kelley, A. T., Null, T., Bruce, L.M., Younan, N. H., & Lawrence, G. W. (2002). A Hyperspectral Toolkit for the Analysis of Multitemporal Spectroradiometer Data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
King, R. (2002). The IEEE GRSS Technical Committee on Data Standardization and Distribution: a Refocus. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 1, 264-265.
Lawrence, G. W., Kelley, A. T., King, R., Vickery, J., Lee, H., & McLean, K. S. (2002). Remote Sensing and Precision Nematicide Applications for Reniform Nematode Management in MS Cotton. Journal of Nematolog. 34.
Lawrence, G. W., Kelley, A. T., King, R., Vickery, J., Lee, H., & McLean, K. S. (2002). Remote Sensing and Precision Nematicide Applications for Reniform Nematode Management in Mississippi Cotton. Fourth International Congress of Nematology. 4(2).
King, R., Pradhan, P., Cox, M. S., & Jenner, J. W. (2000). Comparing Measured Reflectance of Various Soil Surface Roughnesses with a Field Goniometer. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources M. 151-158.
King, R. (2000). Neighbor Analysis of Hyperspectral Data. 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management, Bloo.
King, R. (2000). Challenges Associated with High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Imagery. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Younan, N. H., LeMastus, F. E., Bennett, H. H., & King, R. (2000). Nearest Neighbor Analysis of Hyperspectral Data. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources M.
Younan, N. H., King, R., & Bennett, H. H. (2000). Hyperspectral Data Analysis Using Wavelet-Based Classifiers. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CD ROM.
King, R., Ruffin, C., LeMastus, F. E., & Shaw, D. R. (2000). Classification of Weed Species Using Self-Organizing Maps. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Erim International. Lake Buena Vista, FL. II, 151-158.
King, R., Ruffin, C., LaMastus, F. E., & Shaw, D. R. (1999). The Analysis of Hyperspectral Data Using Savitzky-Golay Filtering - Practical Issues (Part 2). Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, (CD ROM), IEEE Catalog Number 99CH36293C. Hamburg, Germany.
King, R., Ruffin, C., LeMastus, F. E., & Shaw, D. R. (1999). The Analysis of Hyperspectral Data Using Savitzky-Golay Filtering - Practical Issues. The Analysis of Hyperspectral Data Using Savitzky-Golay Filtering - Practical Issues.
Ruffin, C., & King, R. (1999). The Anaylsis of Hyperspretral Data Using Savitzky-Golay Filtering - Theoretical Basis. Theoretical basis.
Birk, R. J., & King, R. (1999). ESE Applications in the Agriculture and Forestry Markets. Earth Observation Magazine. 38-41.
Sequeia, R., Jallas, E., & King, R. (1999). Emerging Technologies for Agricultural Management: Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Knowledge Discovery in Agriculture. Planetary Garden. 99, 141-146.
LaMastus, F. E., Shaw, D. R., King, R., Nice, G. R. W., & Medlin, C. R. (1998). Remote Sensing Capabilities for Weed Detection in Soybean. Proc. South. Weed Science Society. 51, 254.
Non-Refereed Conference Posters
Dahal, N., King, R., & Morris, T. (2012). Event stream processing for improved situational awareness in the smart grid. 2012 NASPI Proceedings. North American SynchroPhasor Initiative Working Group Meeting/Orlando, FL. [Abstract]
Durbha, S. S., King, R., Younan, N. H., Amanchi, S., & Bheemireddy, S. (2009). Advanced Information Semantic Middleware and Tools for Coastal Sensors Web. NGI Conference.
Dahal, N., Durbha, S. S., King, R., & Younan, N. H. (2009). Standards-Based Sensor Web for Wide Area Monitoring of Power Systems. 2nd Energy Workshop.
Articles in Trade Journals and Popular Press
Madani, V., King, R., Rahmatian, F., Novosel, D., Adamiak, M., & Apostolov, A. (2013). Deploying Advanced Technology: Key Success Factors and Applications. PAC World Magazine. 26, 18-25.
King, R., Burgreen, GW, Hammi, Y., Marin, E., Rais-Rohani, M., Rhee, H., Solanki, K.N., Tschopp, M. A., Thompson, D., Wainwright, H. R., Rowe, H. M., Godwin, D., Lassetter, S., & Bean, M. (2011). CAVS 2010 Annual Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. [Document]
King, R., Rowe, H. M., Godwin, D., Lassettter, S., & Wainwright, H. R. (2010). CAVS 2009 Annual Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. [Document]
Technical Report
Weed, R., & King, R. (2012). Final Report - Battalle Contract No. TCN 10256 - TARDEC HPC Operations Improvement. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems.
King, R., Wainright, H. R., Lassetter, S., & Rowe, H. (2012). 2012 Annual Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. [Document]
Professional Presentations
AbuOmar, O., Jones, M., King, R., & Prabhu, R. (2017). Data Mining the Effects of Testing Conditions on Brain Biomechanical Properties. Las Vegas, NV.
Bouvard, J.-L., Oglesby, D., Solanki, K.N., Antonyraj, A., Toghiani, H., Tschopp, M. A., Kirkland, R., Horstemeyer, M., Wang, P., & King, R. (2010). Aging, Endurance and Wear of Elastomers And Other Soft Materials: Mississippi State Case Study. Michelin Forum. Greenville, SC.
Bouvard, J.-L., Marin, E., Oglesby, D., Solanki, K.N., Antonyraj, A., Horstemeyer, M., Wang, P., & King, R. (2010). Aging, Endurance and Wear of Elastomers. Materials: Models and Methods Forum. South Carolina.
Anantharaj, V. G., Nair, U. S., Song, A., Wasson, L. L., Christopher, S., Fitzpatrick, P. J., & King, R. (2008). Numerical Model Simulations of Regional Weather and Climate Impacts Due to Changes in Historical Landuse in Lower Mississippi River Valley. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. New Orleans, LA. [Abstract]
King, R. (2006). Semantics-Enabled Knowledge Management for Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Third International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites. Beijing, China.
King, R. (2005). Semantics-Enabled Framework for Knowledge Discovery from Earth Observation Data Archives. ESA-EUSC 2005: Image Information Mining - Theory and Application to Earth Observation. Frascati, Italy.
Awards and Recognitions
King, R. (2006). J. Donald Trotter Electrical and Computer Engineering Leadership Award. Mississippi State University.
King, R. (2005). General Workshop Chair, 3Rd International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, May. Biloxi, MS.
King, R. (2005). Certificate from IEEE GRSS. EEE GRSS.
King, R. (2005). MSU Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Research Award. MSU.
King, R. (2005). Scientific Committee - European Space Agency/European Union Satellite Centre, Frascati, Italy. Frascati, Italy.
King, R. (2005). Technical Program Committee, IGARSS 2005, July. Seoul, Korea.
King, R. (2004). Technical Program Committee, IGARSS 2004, September. Anchorage, Alaska.
King, R. (2004). Theme Coordinator - Data Processing & Techniques, IGARSS 2004, September. Anchorage, Alaska.
King, R. (2004). Scientific Committee - ESA-EUSC 2004: Theory and Applications of Knowledge Driven Image Information Mining, March. Spain.
Patents and Licenses
Lawrence, G. W., King, R., Kelly, A. T., & Vickery, J. (2007). Method for Detecting and Managing Nematode Population. U.S. Patent No. 7,271,386. Mississippi State University.