Alarcon, V. J.,
McAnally, W. H.,
Wasson, L. L., Martin, James L., &
Cartwright, J. H. (2009). Using NEXRAD Precipitation Data for Enriching Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Models in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Computational Methods in Science and Engineering: Advances in Computational Science (Maroulis, G. and Simos, T. E., Eds.). Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics.
Volume 1148, 646-650.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., Zhou, M.,
McCraine, C., &
Wasson, L. L. (2021). Real-Time Automated Classification of Sky Conditions Using Deep Learning and Edge Computing.
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Landry, M., Rogers, D., Linder, C.,
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Hathcock, L. A.,
Wasson, L. L., Young, D. A., & Meacham, S. D. (2016). Improving Created Wetland Function with Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Restore America’s Estuaries 8th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 25th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society. New Orleans, LA: Restore America’s Estuaries and The Coastal Society. [
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S.,
Wasson, L. L., McCurdy, J. D., Reynolds, D., Williams, W. P., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2017). Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Weed Science.
Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017. Edinburgh, Scotland.
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Dyer, J.,
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Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Boundary Layer Measurements Over Land Use/Cover Discontinuities Using a Small UAS.
ASE-07/ATIO.ATM-09. Characterization of the Atmospheric Environment using UAS, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2016. Washington, DC: AIAA. [
King, R., Poston, D. H.,
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Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Seoul, Korea.
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Anantharaj, V. G., Fitzpatrick, P. J.,
King, R., &
Wasson, L. L. (2004). Incorporation of MODIS Landcover Data to Improve Land Surface Parameterization in the COAMPS Numerical Weather Prediction Model.
Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
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Dyer, J.,
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Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Exploring the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Local-Scale Boundary Layer Observations in a Coastal Environment.
96th AMS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: AMS. [
McAnally, W. H., Diaz-Ramirez, J.,
Alarcon, V. J.,
Wasson, L. L., Johnson, B.,
Ervin, G. N., & Brooks, C. P. (2007). Watershed Modeling Improvements to Enhance Coastal Ecosystems.
Mobile Bay Collaboration Network Workshop. Dauphin Island Sea Lab, AL.
Prince Czarnecki, J. M.,
Wasson, L. L., Scholtes, A. B., Carver, S. M., & Irby, J. T. (2018). Soybean Maturity Stage Estimation with Unmanned Aerial Systems.
14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Montreal, Canada: International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Wasson, L. L. (2009). WISDOM - Weather In-Situ Deployment Optimization Method for Improved Hurricane Track Forecasting.
2009 Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference. Mobile, AL. [
Mostovoy, G. V., Anantharaj, V. G., &
Wasson, L. L. (2008). Regional Variability of Soil Moisture from SCAN Measurements: Implication for Land Surface Modeling and Assimilation.
AMS 88th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 7. [
Wasson, L. L. (2007). ESRI's Arc Hydro Data Model for Watershed Management.
GeoTools 07. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Wasson, L. L., Shaw, D. R., & Givens, W. A. (2007). GeoSpatial Technologies Used in Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort, What Was It Really like ..
GeoTools 07. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Du, Q.,
Wasson, L. L., &
King, R. (2005). Unsupervised Linear Unmixing for Change Detection in Multitemporal Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Biloxi, MS.
Wasson, L. L., & Ballweber, J. A. (2005). Meteorological Parameters in Watershed Modeling Derived through Remote Sensing.
Coastal GeoTools ?05. Myrtle Beach, SC. 88.
Wasson, L. L., Shaw, D. R., &
King, R. (2004). Meteorological Parameters in Watershed Modeling Derived through Remote Sensing.
Proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
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Durbha, S. S.,
King, R.,
Wasson, L. L., & Pradhan, P. (2002). Virtual Remote Sensing: a Holistic Modeling Approach.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
2, 723-725.
Irby, D., Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J.,
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Wasson, L. L. (2010). WISDOM: Predictive Maps and Visualization.
NOAA NGI Annual Meeting. Mobile, AL: Northern Gulf Institute. [
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Madsen, J. D., Amburn, P., Brown, R., Dibble, E. D.,
Ervin, G. N.,
Abbott, C. F., Brooks, C., Irby, D., Lee, S. M., Maddox, V. L., Schulz, R.,
Wasson, L. L., Wersal, R. M., Woolf, T., McBride, D. W., & Madsen, N. (2012). Research to Support Integrated Management Systems of Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species.
Geosystems Research Institute Report GRI#5051. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Madsen, J. D., Amburn, P., Brown, R. L., Dibble, E. D.,
Ervin, G. N., Shaw, D. R.,
Abbott, C. F., Baker, G., Bloem, K., Brooks, C., Irby, D., Lee, S., Maddox, V. L., Rose, R., Schulz, R., Wallace, L.,
Wasson, L. L., Welch, M., Wersal, R. M., McBride, D. W., & Madsen, N. (2011). Research to Support Integrated Management Systems of Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species: Annual Report, 2010.
GRI Report #5047. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Anantharaj, V. G., Nair, U. S., Song, A.,
Wasson, L. L., Christopher, S., Fitzpatrick, P. J., &
King, R. (2008). Numerical Model Simulations of Regional Weather and Climate Impacts Due to Changes in Historical Landuse in Lower Mississippi River Valley.
88th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. New Orleans, LA. [
Wasson, L. L. (2007). Building an ArcHydro Geodatabase for Weeks Bay from a National Hydrography Dataset and USGS Daily Stream Flow Data.
ArcHydro: GIS for Water Resources Workshop, co-hosted by the Grand Bay and Weeks Bay NERRs. Gautier, MS.
Wasson, L. L. (2006). Arc Hydro: A User?s Experience.
ESRI Pre-Conference Workshop. San Diego, CA.
Wasson, L. L. (2006). Katrina: A Time Line.
2006 Mississippi Water Resources Conference. Jackson, MS.
Wasson, L. L., & Maidment, D. (2006). Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources Workshop.
Jackson, MS.
Wasson, L. L. (2006). Remotely Sensed Data for Watershed Management.
AWRA, Houston, Texas.
Wasson, L. L. (2007). Presidential Citation.
Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologist, GIS Volunteer for Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts.