Stern, F., Hosseini, S. H., Mousaviraad, M., &
Bhushan, S. (2014). Analysis of Seakeeping, Chapter 4, G2010: Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics.
Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Eds. Larsoon, Stern and Visonneau. Springer.
Bhushan, S., Xing, T., Visonneau, M., Wacker, J., Deng, G., Stern, F., & Larsson, L. (2014). Post-Workshop Complimentary Studies, Chapter 7, G2010: Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics.
Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Eds. Larsoon, Stern and Visonneau. Spinger.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., Stern, F., Guilmineau, E., Visonneau, M., Toxopeus, S., Simonsen, C., Aram, S., Kim, S., & Grigoropoulos, G. (2019). Assessment of Computational Fluid Dynamic for Surface Combatant 5415 at Straight Ahead and Static Drift.
Journal of Fluids Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
141(5), 051101.
Bhushan, S., Walters, K., Muthu, S., & Pasiliao, C. L. (2018). Identification of Turbulence Growth Markers for Boundary Layer Bypass Transition Using Direct Numerical Simulation.
J. Fluids Eng.
140(11)(2018), 11110.
Eghdami, M.,
Bhushan, S., & Barros, A. (2018). Direct Numerical Simulations to Investigate Energy Transfer between Meso-and Synoptic Scales.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
75(4), 1163-1171.
Mousaviraad, M., Conger, M.,
Bhushan, S., Stern, F., Peterson, A., & Ahmadian, M. (2017). Coupled Computational Fluid and Multi-body Dynamics Suspension Boat Modeling.
Journal of Vibration and Control. 1-22.
Borse, M.,
Bhushan, S., Walters, K., &
Burgreen, GW (2017). Numerical Simulations of Flow Pattern and Particle Trajectories in Feline Aorta for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Heart Conditions.
Engineering Application for Computational Fluid Mechanics.
12(1), 57-73.
Borse, M.,
Bhushan, S., Walters, K., &
Burgreen, GW (2017). Numerical Simulations of Flow Pattern and Particle Trajectories in Feline Aorta for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Heart Conditions.
Engineering Application for Computational Fluid Mechanics.
6, 1-17.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., & Stern, F. (2016). Large Grid Simulations Of Surface Combatant Flow At Straight-Ahead And Static Drift Conditions.
Int. J. Compt. Fluid Dynamics.
30(5), 356-362.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., Stern, F., Guilmineau, E., Visonneau, M., Toxopeus, S., Simonsen, C., Aram, S., Kim, S. E., & Grigopoulos, G. (2016). Verification and Validation of CFD for Surface Combatant 5415 for Straight Ahead and 20 Degree Static Drift Conditions.
SNAME Transactions.
123, 1-26.
Eric, R., Chaudhary, V.,
Bhushan, S., & Walters, K. (2015). Verification and Validation of OpenFOAM Numerical Methods and Turbulence Models for Incompressible Flows.
Computers and Fluids.
123, 122-145.
Walters, K., Adedoyin, A., &
Bhushan, S. (2015). Evaluation of Turbulence Model and Numerical Scheme Combinations for Practical Finite-volume Large Eddy Simulations.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.
9(1), 324-342.
Stern, F., Yang, J., Wang, Z., Hosseini, H. S., Mousaviraad, M., &
Bhushan, S. (2015). Recent Progress in CFD for Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.
J. Hydrodynamics.
27(1), 1-23.
Sadasivuni, R.,
Bhushan, S., & Cooke, W. H. (2014). Convection-Diffusion Model for the Prediction of Anthropogenically-Initiated Wildfire Ignition.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.
5(4), 274-295.
Bhushan, S., & Walters, K. (2014). Development of Parallel Pseudo Spectral Solver Using Influence Matrix Method and Application for Turbulent and Transitional Flows.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.
8(1), 158-177.
Bhushan, S., & Walters, K. (2014). Dynamic Coefficient Evaluation for an Algebraic Subgrid Stress Model Using a Scale-Variant Approach.
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids.
74, 169-188.
Bhushan, S., Alam, M. F., & Walters, K. (2013). Evaluation of Hybrid RANS/LES Models for Prediction of Flow around Surface Combatant and SUBOFF Geometries.
Computers and Fluids.
88, 834-849.
Walters, K.,
Bhushan, S., Alam, M. F., & Thompson, D. (2013). Investigation of a Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES Modelling Methodology for Finite-Volume CFD Simulations.
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.
91(3), 643-667.
DOI:10.1007/s10494-013-9481-9. [
Stern, F., Yang, J., Wang, Z., Hosseini, S. H., Mousaviraad, M.,
Bhushan, S., & Xing, T. (2013). Computational Ship Hydrodynamics: Nowadays and Way Forward.
International Shipbuilding Progress.
60(1-4), 3-105.
Bhushan, S., Walters, K., &
Burgreen, GW (2013). Laminar, Turbulent, and Transitional Simulations in Benchmark Cases with Cardiovascular Device Features.
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology.
4(4), 408-426.
Carrica, P., Ismail, F., Hyman, M.,
Bhushan, S., & Stern, F. (2013). Turn and Zigzag Maneuvers of a Surface Combatant Using a URANS Approach with Dynamic Overset Grids.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology.
196, 1-16.
Xing, T.,
Bhushan, S., & Stern, F. (2012). Unsteady Vortical Flow and Turbulent Structures for a Tanker Hull Form at Large Drift Angles.
Ocean Engineering.
55, 23-43.
Bhushan, S., Xing, T., & Stern, F. (2012). Vortical Structures and Instability Analysis for Athena Wetted Transom Flow with Full-scale Validation.
Journal of Fluids Engineering.
134(3), 031201.
Bhushan, S., & Walters, K. (2012). A Dynamic Hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes-Large Eddy Simulation Modeling Framework.
Physics of Fluids.
24, 1-7.
Bhushan, S., Doctors, L. J., & Stern, F. (2011). Verification and Validation of URANS Wave Resistance for Air Cushion Vehicles, Including Comparison with Linear Theory.
Journal of ship research.
55(4), 249-267.
Bhushan, S., Carrica, P., Yang, J., & Stern, F. (2011). Scalability and Validation Study for Large Scale Surface Combatant Computations Using CFDShip-Iowa.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
25(4), 466-487.
Bhushan, S., Xing, T., Carrica, P., & Stern, F. (2009). Model- and Full-scale URANS Simulations of Athena Resistance, Powering and Seakeeping, and 5415 Maneuvering.
Journal of Ship Research.
53(4), 179-198.
Bhushan, S., & Warsi, Z. (2007). Large Eddy Simulation of Free Shear Flow Using Algebraic Model.
Computers and Fluids.
36(8), 1384-1397.
Bhushan, S. (2007). A Proposed Modification to the Dynamic Approach.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids.
54(9), 1075-1095.
Bhushan, S., & Barros, A. (2007). A Numerical Study to Investigate the Relationship between Moisture Convergence Patterns and the Spatial Distribution of Orographic Precipitation Features.
J. Hydrometeorology.
8(6), 1264-1284.
Bhushan, S., Warsi, Z., & Walters, K. (2006). Estimating Backscatter in Subgrid Scale Turbulence through Algebraic Modeling.
AIAA Journal.
44(4), 837-847.
Walters, K., &
Bhushan, S. (2005). A Note on Spectral Energy Transfer for Multiscale Eddy Viscosity Models in LES.
Physics of Fluids.
17(11), 1-4.
Bhushan, S., & Warsi, Z. U. A. (2005). Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow Using an Algebraic Model.
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids.
49(5), 489-519.
Robinson, B. M.,
Bhushan, S., & Rush, S. (2017). Advanced Analytical Techniques: Exploring Aquatic Animal Ecology Through Isotopes and Biofluid Analysis.
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Eighty First Annual Meeting. Hattiesburg, MS.
62(1), 119.
Muthu, S., &
Bhushan, S. (2017). Temporally Developing Direct Numerical Simulation of Boundary Layer Bypass Transition.
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Eighty First Annual Meeting. Hattiesburg, MS: Journal of Mississippi Academy of Science.
62(1), 118.
Salunkhe, S., &
Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. University of Southern Mississippi.
61(1), 148-148.
Borse, M.,
Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. University of Southern Mississippi.
61(1), 148-148.
Bhushan, S., & Barros, A. (2007). Coupling Land Hydrology to a Cloud Resolving Model - Evaluation for Warm Season Conditions.
87th AMS Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Bowman, J.,
Bhushan, S., Thompson, D., Ellis, R., O'Doherty, T., & Mason-Jones, T. (2019). A. Development of a Physics-Based Actuator Disk Model with Turbulence Induction for Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines.
Proceedings of EWTEC 2019 – 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. September 1-6, Naples. Italy.
Bhushan, S.,
Burgreen, GW,
Collins, E. M., & Gonzalez, M. (2019). Turbulence Modeling via Machine Learned Physics.
ERDC UGM. HPCMP User Group Meeting, ERDC, Vicksburg, MS, May 2019.
Wang, X.,
Bhushan, S.,
Luke, E., Thompson, D.,
Sescu, A., & Hattori, Y. (2018). Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and DNS.
Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Bhushan, S., Elfajri, O., Jock, W. D., Walters, D. K., Lai, J. K., Hassan, Y. A., Jackson, R. B., Obabko, A., & Merzari, E. (2018). Assessment of RANS, LES, and Hybrid RANS/LES Models for the Prediction of Low-Pr Turbulent Flows.
Proceedings of the ASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Conference FEDSM2018. Montreal, Canada.
Wang, X.,
Bhushan, S., Mansoor, B.,
Luke, E.,
Sescu, A., Hattori, Y., Thompson, D., & Walters, K. (2018). Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES Assessment of Sound Generation and Propagation from Flow of a Circular Cylinder.
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-3592). Atlanta, GA: AIAA.
DOI:10.2514/6.2018-3592. [
Bowman, J.,
Bhushan, S., Thompson, D., O'Doherty, D., O'Doherty, T., & Mason-Jones, A. (2018). A Physics-Based Actuator Disk Model for Hydrokinetic Turbines.
2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-3227). Atlanta, GA: AIAA.
DOI:10.2514/6.2018-3227. [
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., Stem, F., Guilmineau, E., Visonneau, M., Toxopeus, S., Simonsen, C., Aram, S., Kim, S. E., & Grigoropoulos, G. (2018). Assessment of CFD for Surface Combatant 5415 at Straight Ahead and Static Drift.
Selected papers from NATO Advanced Vehicle Technology Working Groups AVT-183 and AVT-216. Mississippi State University: JFE Special Issue.
Haywood, J. S., Sescu, A.,
Bhushan, S., Foster, J., & Farthing, M. (2018). Towards a More Realistic Triple Hill's Vortex Synthetic Eddy Method for LES of Wall-Bounded Flows.
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. AIAA SciTech Forum.
AIAA(2018), 0837.
Muthu, S., &
Bhushan, S. (2018). Temporal Direct Numerical Simulation for Flat-Plate Boundary Layer Bypass Transition.
Physics of Fluids. Mississippi State University.
Robinson, B. M.,
Bhushan, S., & Rush, S. (2018). Exploring Aquatic Animal Ecology Through Isotopes And Biofluid Analysis.
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Eighty First Annual Meeting. University of Southern Mississippi.
Haywood, J. S.,
Sescu, A.,
Bhushan, S., Foster, J., & Farthing, M. (2018). Towards a More Realistic Triple Hill's Vortex Synthetic Method for LES of Wall Bounded Flows.
Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Forum. Kissimmee, FL.
Muthu, S., &
Bhushan, S. (2017). Temporal Direct Numerical Simulations for Flat-Plate Boundary Layer.
Early Career Technical Journal. Birmingham, AL.
16, 87-91. [
Document Site]
Chambers, B., &
Bhushan, S. (2017). Numerical Simulations Of Plunging And Surging Wave Breaking Using Openfoam.
Early Career Technical Journal. Birmingham, AL.
16, 81-86. [
Document Site]
Bhushan, S., Salunke, S., & Thompson, D. (2017). Validation of Hydrokinetic Turbulent Wake Predictions and Analysis of Wake Recovery Mechanism.
All Energy Conference. Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Salunkhe, S.,
Bhushan, S., Thompson, D., & O'Doherty, T. (2016). Analysis and Validation of Hydrokinetic Turbine Turbulent Wake Predictions.
Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC) 2016, October 10-12. Singapore.
Bhushan, S., Pasiliao, C., &
Sescu, A. (2016). Temporally Developing Direct Numerical Simulation of Boundary Layer Bypass Transition.
Thirteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Bhushan, S., Borse, M., Walters, K., & Pasiliao, C. (2016). Analysis of Turbulence Generation and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Boundary Layer Transition Using Direct Numerical Simulation.
Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. Washington, DC.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., Stern, F., Guilmineau, E., Visonneau, M., Toxopeus, S., Simonsen, C., Aram, S., Kim, S. E., Grigoropoulos, G., & Petterson, K. (2015). Verification and Validation of CFD for Surface Combatant 5415 for Straight Ahead and 20 Degree Static Drift Conditions.
World Maritime Technology Conference. Rhode Island, USA.
Bhushan, S., Borse, M., Robinson, B. M., & Walters, K. (2015). Turbulent Simulations of Particle Deposition in Feline Aorta Flow for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Heart Conditions.
ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. Seoul, Korea.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., & Stern, F. (2015). Large Grid Simulations of Surface Combatant Flow at Straight- Ahead and Static Drift Conditions.
27th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics. Montreal, CA.
Robertson, E., Chitta, V., Walters, K., &
Bhushan, S. (2014). On the Vortex Breakdown Phenomenon in High Angle of Attack Flows over Delta Wing Geometries.
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Montreal, Canada.
Bhushan, S., Walters, K., Merzari, E., & Obabko, A. (2014). Implementation and Validation of a Hybrid RANS/LES Model in the Spectral Element Solver Nek5000.
Proceedings of the 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Mousaviraad, M.,
3rd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship-to-Ship Interaction. Ghent, Belgium.
Stern, F., Yang, J., Mousaviraad, M., Hosseini, H.,
Bhushan, S., & Xing, T. (2012). Computational Ship Hydrodynamics: Nowadays and Way Forward.
Invited Lecture: 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Walters, K.,
Bhushan, S., Alam, M. F., & Thompson, D. (2012). Investigation of a Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES Modeling Methodology for Finite-Volume CFD Simulations.
Proceedings of the 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mousaviraad, S. M.,
Bhushan, S., & Stern, F. (2012). CFD Prediction of Free-Running SES/ACV Deep and Shallow Water Maneuvering and Course-Keeping in Calm Water and Waves.
Bhushan, S., Doctors, L. J., & Stern, F. (2011). T-Craft Calm Water Resistance and Motions, and Seakeeping in Regular Waves.
11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation. Hawaii, US.
Bhushan, S., Hanaoka, A., Yang, J., & Stern, F. (2011). Wall-Layer Modeling for Cartesian Grid Solver Using an Overset Boundary Layer Orthogonal Curvilinear Grid.
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Orlando, Florida.
Drazen, D., Fulletron, A., Fu, T., Beale, K., Oshea, T., Bruker, K., Dommermuth, D., Wyatt, D.,
Bhushan, S., Carrica, P., & Stern, F. (2010). A Comparison of Model-scale Experimental Measurements and Computational Predictions for a Large Transom-stern Wave.
28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Pasadena, California, US.
Yang, J., Michael, T.,
Bhushan, S., Wang, Z., & Stern, F. (2010). Motion Prediction Using Wall-Resolved and Wall-Modeled Approaches on a Cartesian Grid.
28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Pasadena, California, US.
Yang, J.,
Bhushan, S., Sakamoto, N., Xing, T., Wang, Z., Koo, B., & Stern, F. (2008). Large Eddy Simulation of Ship Flows with Wall-layer Models on Cartesian Grids.
27th Proceedings of the Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics. Seoul, Korea.
Wyatt, D., Fu, T., Taylor, C., Terrill, T., Xing, T.,
Bhushan, S., Oshea, K., & Dommermuth, D. (2008). A Comparison of Full-scale Experimental Measurements and Computational Predictions of the Transom-stern Wave of the R/V Athena I.
27th Proceedings of the Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics. Seoul, Korea.
Carrica, P. M., Ismail, F., Hyman, M.,
Bhushan, S., & Stern, F. (2008). Turn and Zigzag Maneuvers of a Surface Combatant Using a URANS Approach with Dynamic Overset Grids.
Proceedings of SIMMAN workshop. Conpenhagen, Denmark.
Bhushan, S., Xing, T., Carrica, P. M., & Stern, F. (2007). Model- and Full-scale URANS/DES Simulations for Athena R/V Resistance, Powering and Motions.
9th International conference on numerical ship hydrodynamics. Ann Arbor, Michigan, US.
Adedoyin, A., Walters, K., &
Bhushan, S. (2006). Assessment of Modeling and Discretization Error in Finite-volume Large Eddy Simulations,.
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Chicago, Illinois, US.
Bhushan, S., Warsi, Z., & Walters, K. (2006). Modeling of Energy Backscatter in Large Eddy Simulation via an Algebraic Subgrid Stress Model,.
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV, US.
Walters, K., &
Bhushan, S. (2005). Specification of Time-Dependent Inlet Boundary Conditions for LES, VLES, and DES of Turbulent Flow.
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, US.
Nag, G., Robinson, B. M., &
Bhushan, S. (2018). Hydrodynamics of Turtle Shells.
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, MAS 2018. University of Southern Mississippi.
Nag, G., Robinson, B. M., &
Bhushan, S. (2017). Hydrodynamics of Turtle Shells.
Undergraduate Research Summer Symposium 2017. Mississippi State University.
Sescu, A., Walters, K.,
Bhushan, S., Manshour, B., & Hattori, Y. (2016). Collaboration on Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and DNS.
Thirteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai, Japan.
Barros, A.,
Bhushan, S., Prat, O., Tao, K., Kang, D., Shresta, P., & Miller, D. (2007). Integrating Research on Sensors, Observations and Models to Characterize Orographic Precipitations Processes.
NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) science team meeting. Atlanta, US.
Bhushan, S., & Barros, A. (2005). The Diurnal Cycle of Monsoon Rainfall in the Himalayas Using Coupled Land-cloud Model.
AGU Fall Conference. San Fransisco, CA, US.
Bhushan, S., Muthu, S., & Pasiliao, C. L. (2016). Implementation of Surface Roughness in a Pseudo-Spectral Solver for Direct Numerical Simulation of Bypass Transition.
4th Annual Meeting AFRL Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Institute. Eglin, FL.
Bhushan, S., & Pasiliao, C. L. (2015). Turbulence Generation and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Boundary Layer Transition Using Direct Numerical Simulation.
AFRL Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Institute 3rd Annual Meeting. UF REEF, FL.
Bhushan, S., McLaurin, D., & Shanker, A. (2013). Uncertainty Quantification of Hybrid RANS/LES Simulations Using Turbulence-Length-Scale-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
USACM's 12th U.S. National Congress for Computational Mechanics Conference. Raleigh, NC, 22-25 July 2013.
Prabhu, R., Brewer, W., Thompson, D., &
Bhushan, S. (2005). Computational Study of Vortex-Vortex Interactions.
The Sixth Mississippi State - UAB Conference on Differential Equations & Computational Simulations. Starkville, MS, 39759.
Bhushan, S., & Warsi, Z. (2003). Algebraic Stress Model in LES.
American Physical Society, 56th Annual meeting. New Jersey, US.
Hubbard, G. A.,
Bhushan, S., Wang, X.,
Burgreen, GW, & Kees, C. (2018). Validation of Plunging Breakng Wave CFD Predictions.
30th Int Conf on Parallel Comp Flu Dyn (Parallel CFD2018). Indianapolis, IN.
Blake, J., Wang, X., Mansoor, B.,
Bhushan, S., Thompson, D.,
Sescu, A., & Hattori, Y. (2017). Aeroacoustics of Low Reynolds Number Flows Via Dynamic Hybrid RANS/LES and Stochastic Modeling.
Proceedings 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics,. Sendai, Japan: Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University.
Salunkhe, S.,
Bhushan, S., Thompson, D., O'Doherty, D., O'Doherty, T., & Mason-Jones, A. (2017). Validation of Hydrokinetic Turbulent Wake Predictions and Analysis of Wake Recovery Mechanism.
Renewable Energy. Mississippi State University.
Burgreen, GW,
Bhushan, S., Wang, X., Chambers, B., Blake, J., Thompson, D., & Foster, J. W. (2017). High-Fidelity Unsteady Flow Simulation Strategy for Ground Vehicle Fording and Swimming.
NATO CSO STO AVT-265 Specialist Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania. [
Bhushan, S., Michael, T., Yang, J., Carrica, P., & Stern, F. (2010). Fixed Sinkage and Trim Bare Hull 5415 Simulations Using CFDShip-Iowa.
Gothenburg 2010: A workshop on CFD in ship hydromechanics. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Stern, F.,
Bhushan, S., Carrica, P., & Yang, J. (2009). Large Scale Parallel Computing and Scalability Study for Surface Combatant Static Maneuver and Straight Ahead Conditions Using CFDShip-Iowa.
Proceedings of the 21st Parallel CFD Conference. Moffett Field, CA.
Bhushan, S., Salunkhe, S., & Thompson, D. (2017). Validation of Hydrokinetic Turbulent Wake Predictions and Analysis of Wake Recovery Mechanism.
All Energy Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Bhushan, S., Yoon, H., Stern, F., Guimineau, E., Visonneau, M., Toxopeus, S., Simonsen, C., Aram, S., Kim, S. E., Grigoropoulos, S. E., & Petterson, K. (2015). CFD Validation for Surface Combatant 5415 Straight Ahead and Static Drift 20 Degree Conditions. University of Iowa: University of Iowa.
Martinez, D. M., Brewer, W.,
Bhushan, S.,
Burgreen, GW, &
Collins, E. M. (2019). Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
ERDC UGM. Vicksburg, MS.
Elfajri, O., &
Bhushan, S. (2018). Numerical Predictions of Hydrokinetic Turbine Wake and Free Surface Signatures.
he Mississippi Academy of Science 82nd Annual Meeting. University of Southern Mississippi. [
Bhushan, S., & Stern, F. (2012). Onset and Progression Analysis for Straight Ahead and Static Drift 5415 Using CFDShip-Iowa.
NATO AVT-183 Fall 2012 Meeting. France.
Shanker, A.,
Bhushan, S., & McLaurin, D. (2012). Uncertainty Qualification for Hybrid RANS/LES Turbulent Simulations. 9th Differential Equations and Computational Simulations.