Pitchford, J. L., Pulis, E.,
Evans, K. O., Shelley, J. K., Serafin, B. S., & Solangi, M. (2016). Seasonal Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) Density Estimates in the Mississippi Sound from 2011-2013.
Southeastern Naturalist.
15(2), 188-206.
Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., MacKenzie, M. L., King, R.,
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Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
98(2016), 79-90. [
Document Site]
Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B.,
Evans, K. O., Miller, D. A., Wigley, T. B., & Riffell, S. K. (2016). A Meta-analysis of Biodiversity Responses to Management of Southeastern Pine Forests - Opportunities for Open Pine Conservation.
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Riffell, S. K., Monroe, A. P., Martin, J.,
Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., & Smith, M. (2015). Response of Non-grassland Avian Guilds to Adjacent Herbaceous Field Buffers: Testing Hypotheses about Configuration of Targeted Conservation Practices in Agricultural Landscapes.
Journal of Applied Ecology. British Ecological Society.
52(2), 300-309.
DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.12389. [
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Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., & Smith, M. D. (2014). Assessing Multi-region Benefits from Strategically Targeted Agricultural Buffers.
Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology Institute.
28, 892-901.
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Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., MacKenzie, M. L., King, R.,
Evans, K. O., & Burger, L. W. (2014). Bayesian Methods for Hierarchical Distance Sampling Models.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. International Biometric Society.
19(2), 219-239.
DOI:10.1007/s13253-014-0167-0. [
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Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D., Twedt, D. J., Wilson, R. R., Vorisek, S., Rideout, C., & Heyden, K. (2014). Avian Response to Conservation Buffers in Agricultural Landscapes during Winter.
The Wildlife Society Bulletin. The Wildlife Society.
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Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Oedekoven, C. S., Smith, M. D., Riffell, S. K., Martin, J. A., & Buckland, S. T. (2013). Multi-region Response to Conservation Buffers Targeted for Northern Bobwhite.
Journal of Wildlife Management. The Wildlife Society.
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Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., MacKenzie, M. L.,
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Journal of Applied Ecology. British Ecological Society.
50, 786-793.
DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.12065. [
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Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Faircloth, B. C., Palmer, W. E., & Carroll, J. P. (2009). Effects of Tissue Collection Methods on Morphometrics and Survival of Captive Neonatal Northern Bobwhite.
Journal of Wildlife Management. The Wildlife Society.
73(7), 1241-1244.
DOI:10.2193/2008-011. [
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Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., & Palmer, W. E. (2012). Genetic Structure of Northern Bobwhites in Northeast Mississippi and Southwest Tennessee.
Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium. Tuscon, AR.
7, 244-250. [
Abstract] [
Evans, K. O., Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W., Chambers, R. J., Houston, A. E., & Carlisle, R. (2009). Release of Pen-reared Bobwhites: Potential Consequences to the Genetic Integrity of Resident Wild Populations.
Proceedings of Gamebird 2006: Quail VI and Perdix XII. Athens, GA: Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. 121-133. [
Abstract] [
Gray, M. T.,
Evans, K. O., & Jones-Farrand, D. T. (2017). Landscape-scale Geospatial Assessment of Open Pine and Natural Grassland Condition for Northern Bobwhite in the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks.
Joint Quail Conference: 23rd Annual National Bobwhite Technical Committee Meeting and Eighth National Quail Symposium. Knoxville, TN: Quail 8. [
Richardson, D.,
Evans, K. O., Smith, A., & Ertel, J. (2016). Bat Species Occurrence and Long-term Bat Population Monitoring on Refuges Using Acoustical Detection - 2012-2015 Summary. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region Inventory and Monitoring FY2016 I&M Interim Repo.
Evans, K. O., Fotinos, T., Ertel, J., Richardson, D., Holt, L., & Wilder, S. (2014). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge Inventory and Monitoring Status and Needs Assessment, Gulf I&M Zone Summary Report.
FWS Technical Publication. Southeast Regional Inventory and Monitoring Network: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. [
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Document Site]
Evans, K. O. (2015). Joint GCPO/GCP LCC Geospatial Science Meeting to Be Held in Januar. Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative Website News & Views: Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. [
Document Site]
Evans, K. O. (2015). New Partner Dataset Highlights! Louisiana Pine Snake, Oklahoma Ecological Systems, LA-MS Conservation Delivery Network, and North American River Width Data Now on the GCPO Conservation Planning Atlas.
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative Website News & Views. Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. [
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Evans, K. O. (2015). Draft 1 of Gulf Coast Tidal Marsh Assessment Coming Soon!
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative Website News & Views. Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. [
Document Site]
Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B.,
Evans, K. O., Miller, D. A., & Wigley, T. B. (2015). Managed Pine and Conservation: a Meta-analysis of Biodiversity Responses to Intensive Management. Society of American Foresters 2015 National Convention, Society of American Foresters, Baton Rouge, LA: Society of American Foresters.
Gray, M. T.,
Evans, K. O., & Jones-Farrand, T. (2015). A Rapid Ecological Assessment of Open Pine Woodland and Savanna Systems in the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 69th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Asheville, NC: Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Evans, K. O., Tirpak, B. E., Keister, A., Allen, Y., & Elliott, K. G. (2015). Conservation Planning Atlas: Connecting Conservation Practitioners to Large Landscape Data. 69th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies: Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Duke, J.,
Evans, K. O., Tirpak, B. E., & Keister, A. (2015). Southeast Conservation Planning Atlas - Spatially Explicit Data Development from Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. 69th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Asheville, NC: Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B.,
Evans, K. O., Miller, D. A., & Wigley, T. B. (2015). Conserving Open Pine Conditions and Biodiversity in Working Forested Landscapes. 69th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Asheville, NC: Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Evans, K. O., Allen, Y., Elliott, K. G., & Jones-Farrand, T. (2015). Connecting Conservation Practitioners to Large Landscape Data through a Conservation Planning Atlas. Annual Meeting 2015, Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Jackson, MS: Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society.
Tirpak, B. E., Comendant, T., Keister, A.,
Evans, K. O., & Laurent, E. (2015). Southeast Conservation Planning Atlas: Leveraging Web Technology for a Spatial World. Society 14th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR: American Fisheries Society.
Evans, K. O., Allen, Y., Elliott, K. G., & Jones-Farrand, T. (2015). Assessing the State of Estuarine Tidal Marsh in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Florida Coastal Habitat Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program 2015 Workshop, Florida Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, St. Petersburg, FL: Florida Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission.
Gray, M. T., &
Evans, K. O. (2015). A Rapid Ecological Assessment of Open Pine Woodland and Savanna Systems in the East and West Gulf Coastal Plain. Big Thicket and West Gulf Coastal Plain Science Conference, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX: Stephen F. Austin State University.
Elliott, K. G., &
Evans, K. O. (2015). Conservation Planning Atlas Outreach Strategy. Conservation Biology Institute Webinar Series: Conservation Biology Institute.
Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B.,
Evans, K. O., Miller, D. A., & Wigley, T. B. (2015). Managing Pine for Conservation: Providing Open Pine Conditions in a Working Landscape. Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference, Athens, GA: University of Georgia, Athens.
Tirpak, B. E., Edwards, C. K., &
Evans, K. O. (2015). Conservation Planning Atlas: a Tool for Landscape Conservation Design. 51st Annual Conference, Corpus Christi, TX: Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
Evans, K. O. (2015). Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC Integrated Science Agenda. Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC Open Pine Project Coordination Meeting, Jones Ecological Research Center, Newton, GA: Jones Ecological Research Center.