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Publications for: Youssef Hammi
Book Chapter
Doude, H., Oglesby, D., Gullett, P., El Kadiri, H., Jelinek, B., Baskes, M. I., Oppedal, A. L., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Cast Magnesium Alloy Corvette Engine Cradle. In M. F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. DOI:10.1002/9781119018377.ch10. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Francis, D.K., Stone, T.W., Sullivan, K., Wilbanks, J., Zelinka, R., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Chapter 7: Microstructure Sensitive, History Dependent Internal State Variable Plasticity-Damage Model for a Sequential Tubing Process. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 199-234.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Doude, H., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Chapter 6: Steel Powder Metal Modeling. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 137-.
Stone, T.W., & Hammi, Y. (2018). Chapter 13: Nickel Powder Metal Modeling Illustrating Atomistic-Continuum Friction Laws. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 447-464.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Perkins, A., Bakhtiarydavijani, A., Sharma, G., Nellippallil, A. B., Hammi, Y., Robinson, T., & Prabhu, R. (2024). Surrogate Modeling of Brain Trauma Risks Associated with Soccer Ball Headers. ASME J of Medical Diagnostics. 24, 1-43. DOI:
Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R. D., Paliwal, B., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of a High Strength Concrete Using Experimental and Numerical Methodologies for High Strain Rate Ballistic Impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 178, 104598. DOI:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2023.104598.
Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of the Ballistic Impact Response of Cor-Tuf UHPC Concrete Using the HJC Constitutive Model. International Journal of Protective Structures. 15, 224-240.
Perkins, A., Bakhtiarydavijani, A., Ivanoff, A. E., Jones, M., Hammi, Y., & Prabhu, R. (2022). Assessment of Brain Injury Biomechanics in Soccer Heading Using Finite Element Analysis. Brain Multiphysics. 3, 100052. [Abstract]
Carey, A. S., Burcham, M. N., Hammi, Y., Moser, R., Scott, D. A., Seely, D. W., Howard, I. L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2020). Instrumented Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete. Construction Materials. Ahead of Print, 1-12. DOI:10.1680/jcoma.19.00088.
Cisko, A. R., Jordon, J. B., Avery, D. Z., Liu, T., Brewer, L. N., Allison, P. G., Carino, R.L., Hammi, Y., Rushing, T. W., & Garcia, L. (2019). Experiments and Modeling of Fatigue Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Lithium Alloy. Metals. MDPI. 9(3), 293. DOI:10.3390/met9030293. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Paliwal, B., Hammi, Y., Moser, R. D., & Horstemeyer, M. (2017). A Three-invariant Cap-plasticity Damage Model for Cementitious Materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. Elsevier. 108, 186-202. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.12.015. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
Liu, Y., Whittington, W. R., & Hammi, Y. (2017). Application of a Microstructure-based ISV Plasticity Damage Model to Study Penetration Mechanics of Metals and Validation through Penetration Study of Aluminum. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering. 6189168, 1-10.
Huddleston, B. D., Dickel, D. E., Horstemeyer, M., Williams, N., Danielson, K., & Hammi, Y. (2016). Damage Progression and Fragmentation in Atomistic, Single Crystal Copper at High Strain Rates. Solid State Phenomena. Trans Tech Publications. 258, 49-52. DOI:10.4028/ [Abstract] [Document Site]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Paliwal, B., Allison, P. G., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). Smooth Yield Surface Constitutive Modeling for Granular Materials. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 139(1), 011010. DOI:10.1115/1.4034987. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
Lee, N, Horstemeyer, M., Prabhu, R., Liao, J., Rhee, H., Hammi, Y., & Williams, L. N. (2016). The Geometric Effects of a Woodpeckers Hyoid Apparatus for Stress Wave Mitigation. Bioinspiration and Biomemetics. 11, 1748-3190. DOI:10.1088/1748-3190/11/6/066004. [Document Site]
Lawrimore, W. B., Francis, D.K., Bouvard, J.-L., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). A Mesomechanics Parametric Finite Element Study of Damage Growth and Coalescence in Polymers Using an Elastoviscoelastic-Viscoplastic Internal State Variable Model. Mechanics of Materials. 1, 83-95.
Yadollahi, A., Hammi, Y., Shamsaei, N., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). Quantification of Tensile Damage Evolution in Additive Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 657, 399–405.
Yadollahi, A., Shamsaei, N., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). Quantifying Tensile Damage Evolution in Additive Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels. Materials Science & Engineering A. Elsevier. 657, 399–405. DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2016.01.067.
Francis, D.K., Bouvard, J.-L., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2014). Formulation of a Damage Internal State Variable Model for Amorphous Glassy Polymers. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51(15-16), 2765–2776. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.03.025.
Whittington, W. R., Oppedal, A. L., Turnage, S., Hammi, Y., Rhee, H., Allison, P., Crane, C. K., & Horstemeyer, M. (2014). Capturing the Effect of Temperature, Strain Rate, and Stress State on the Plasticity and Fracture of Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA) Steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. Elsevier. 594, 82-88. DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2013.11.018. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Florea, R. S., Bammann, D., Yeldell, J., Solanki, K.N., & Hammi, Y. (2013). Welding Parameters Influence on Fatigue Life and Microstructure in Resistance Spot Welding of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy. Materials & Design. 45, 456-465. DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031. [Abstract]
Tang, T., Hammi, Y., Horstemeyer, M., & Wang, P. (2012). Finite Element Micromechanical Analysis of the Deformation and Stress State Dependent Damage Evolution in Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Computational Materials Science. 59, 165-173.
Damiens, N. R., Rhee, H., Hwang, Y., Park, S. J., Hammi, Y., Lim, H., & Horstemeyer, M. (2012). Compressive Behavior of a Turtle's Shell: Experiment, Modeling, and Simulation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 6, 106-112.
Horstemeyer, M., Hammi, Y., Allison, P. G., Brown, H. R., Tucker, M.T., & Hwang, Y. (2011). Microstructure-Property Relations of a Steel Powder Metal under Varying Temperatures, Strain Rates, and Stress States. Matls. Science Eng. A. 529(1), 335-344.
Acar, E., Hammi, Y., Allison, P., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Microstructure-Property Relations for Compacted Powder Metals. Powder Metallurgy. 53(2), 141-145. [Abstract]
Xue, Y., Wright, A., McDowell, D. L., Horstemeyer, M., Solanki, K.N., & Hammi, Y. (2010). Micromechanics Study of Fatigue Damage Incubation Following an Initial Overstrain. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. 132(1), 021010-17. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Solanki, K.N., Horstemeyer, M., Steele, G., Hammi, Y., & Jordon, J. B. (2010). Calibration, Validation, and Verification Including Uncertainty of a Physically Motivated Internal State Variable Plasticity and Damage Model. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 47(2), 186-203. [Abstract] [Document Site]
El Kadiri, H., Wang, L., Gulsoy, H. O., Suri, P., Park, S. J., Hammi, Y., & German, R. (2009). Development of a Ti-based Alloy: Design and Experiment. JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. Springer Boston. 61(5), 60-66. [Document Site]
Stone, T.W., Horstemeyer, M., Hammi, Y., & Gullett, P. (2008). Contact and Friction of Single Crystal Nickel Nanoparticles Using Molecular Dynamics. Acta Materialia. 56, 3577-3584. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2007). A Physically Motivated Anisotropic Tensorial Representation of Damage with Separate Functions for Void Nucleation, Growth, and Coalescence. Int. J. Plast.. 23(10), 1641-1678. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Bammann, D., & Horstemeyer, M. (2004). Modeling of Anisotropic Damage for Ductile Materials in Metal Forming Processes. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. SAGE Publications Ltd. 13(2), 123-147. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Horstemeyer, M., & Bammann, D. (2003). An Anisotropic Damage Model for Ductile Metals. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. SAGE Publications Ltd. 12(3), 245-262. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Horstemeyer, M., & Bammann, D. (2002). An Anisotropic Damage Model for Ductile Metals. Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division - 2002. New Orleans, LA, United States: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 97, 185-192. [Abstract]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Duncan, C., Perkins, A., Johnson, D. H., Chandler, M., Moser, R., Sherburn, J. A., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Comparison of Ballistic Impact Simulations Using Different Constitutive Material Models of Concrete. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Columbus Ohio. DOI:10.1115/IMECE2022-94248.
Liu, Y., & Hammi, Y. (2016). Comparison of Johnson-Cook Model and An ISV Plasticity Damage Model in Penetration Simulation. Proceedings of ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Phoenix, AZ.
Cho, H., Horstemeyer, M., Hammi, Y., & Francis, D.K. (2015). Finite Element Model for Plymouth Tub Processing Using Internal State Variables. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). Colorado Springs, CO: John Wiley & Sons. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Saleme Ruiz, K., Asafa, O. A., & Hammi, Y. (2012). Die Filling and Compaction Using a Multiscale Methodology. Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials. Nashville, TN: MPIF. 1(1). [Abstract]
Najafi, A., Rais-Rohani, M., & Hammi, Y. (2011). Multi-Attribute Integrated Forming-Crush Simulation Optimization Using Internal State Variable Model. Proceedings. !st World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering.
Ma, Q., Marin, E., Antonyraj, A., Hammi, Y., Wang, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). On Predicting the Channel Die Compression Behavior of HCP Magnesium AM30 Using Crystal Plasticity FEM. Magnesium Technology 2011, 583-587. Proceddings of 2011 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition. San Diego, California, USA.
Florea, R. S., Solanki, K.N., Hammi, Y., Bammann, D., & Castanier, M. P. (2010). An Experimental Study of Mechanical Behavior of Resistance Spot Welded Aluminum 6061-T6 Joints. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2010. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Fatigue Modeling of a Powder Metallurgy Main Bearing Cap. 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference. Providence, RI: 3DS SIMULIA. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Hammi, Y., Carino, R.L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2009). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Las Vegas, NV: MPIF. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Sanderow, H. I., Grewal, H., Acar, E., Hammi, Y., Allison, P., & Solanki, K.N. (2009). Process Modeling: Use of Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Optimization Techniques for Improved Understanding of Compaction Model Outputs. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Las Vegas, NV: MPIF. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Arias-Meza, L., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. MPIF/APMI 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materia. Gaylord National Hotel, Washington, DC. 1-96 –1-1. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., Williams, T. N., Hammi, Y., El Kadiri, H., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Comparison of Density Measurement Techniques for Large P/M Components. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation. 11-84-11-96. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Arias-Meza, L., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2006). Multiscale Modeling of Powder Metallurgy Process. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. San Diego, CA: MPIF. 1(1), 1-41 -1-54.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2006). Constitutive Modeling of Metal Powder Behavior. SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Materials & Manufacturing. Warrendale, PA.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2005). Constitutive Modeling for Powder Compaction and Densification. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Montreal, Canada: MPIF. 1(1), 1-38 -1-51.
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Li, W., Park, S. J., Hammi, Y., German, R., Blau, P. J., & Qu, J. (2008). PREDICTION OF TOOL WEAR AND TOOL LIFE BY EXPERIMENT/MODELING/SIMULATION OF THE DIE COMPACTION PROCESS. 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. [Abstract]
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Solanki, K.N., Hammi, Y., Oglesby, D., & Horstemeyer, M. (2004). Implementation of Internal State Variable Material Model for Crashworthiness. Proceedings of AmeriPAM 2004 User Conference. Troy, Michigan.
Articles in Trade Journals and Popular Press
Hammi, Y., Horstemeyer, M., & Bammann, D. (). An Anisotropic Damage Model for Ductile Metals. International Journal of Damage Mechanic. 12(3), 245-262.
King, R., Burgreen, GW, Hammi, Y., Marin, E., Rais-Rohani, M., Rhee, H., Solanki, K.N., Tschopp, M. A., Thompson, D., Wainwright, H. R., Rowe, H. M., Godwin, D., Lassetter, S., & Bean, M. (2011). CAVS 2010 Annual Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. [Document]
Technical Report
Marin, E., Bouvard, C., Ma, Q., Oppedal, A. L., El Kadiri, H., Hammi, Y., & Li, B. (2011). Multiscale Material Models and Design Framework for Lightweight Alloys. DOE/SRCLID Quarterly Report Phases III and IV: CAVS/Mississippi State.
Ma, Q., Marin, E., Hammi, Y., El Kadiri, H., Wang, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2011). On Predicting the Channel Die Compression Behavior of HCP Magnesium AM30 Using Crystal Plasticity FEM. CAVS REPORT, MSU.CAVS.CMD.2011-R004: CAVS, MSU.
Marin, E., Bouvard, C., Ma, Q., Oppedal, A. L., El Kadiri, H., Hammi, Y., & Li, B. (2011). Multiscale Material Models and Design Framework for Lightweight Alloys. DOE/SRCLID quarterly report phases III and IV: CAVS/Mississippi State.
Horstemeyer, M., Carino, R.L., Hammi, Y., & Solanki, K.N. (2009). MSU Internal State Variable Plasticity-Damage Model 1.0 Calibration, DMGfit Production Version Users Manual. MSU.CAVS.CMD.2009-R0010. Mississipi State University: CAVS. [Abstract]
Professional Presentations
Paliwal, B., Hammi, Y., Moser, R. D., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). Efficient Return Mapping Implicit Integration of a New Three-invariant, Non-associated, Cap-Plasticity Damage Model with Highly Non-linear Hardening for Cementitious Materials. 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME). Phoenix, AZ.
Stone, T.W., Asafa, O. A., Stone, J., & Hammi, Y. (2011). Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Deformation. Material, Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference. Columbus, OH. (2011).
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Fatigue Modeling of a Powder Metallurgy Main Bearing Cap. 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference. Providence, RI: 3DS SIMULIA. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Allison, P., Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Pressure-Dependent Plasticity Model for Powder Metallurgy Compaction. First American Academy of Mechanics Conference. New Orleans, June 17-20 2008.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., Allison, P., Horstemeyer, M., & Marin, E. (2008). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. MPIF/APMI 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials . Washington, DC, June 8-12 2008. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y. (2007). Lightweight Materials For Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Automotive Applications. Advanced Lightweight Material for Automotive 2007. Marriott Dearborn Inn Hotel, Dearborn, MI. [Abstract]
Patents and Licenses
Horstemeyer, M., Marin, E., Oglesby, D., Hammi, Y., & Solanki, K.N. (2007). A Software Code Contains Uncertainty-Based Internal State Variable Material Model with Structure-Property Relationships. Mississippi State University.