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Publications for: Tonya Williams Stone
Book Chapter
Hammi, Y., Francis, D.K., Stone, T.W., Sullivan, K., Wilbanks, J., Zelinka, R., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Chapter 7: Microstructure Sensitive, History Dependent Internal State Variable Plasticity-Damage Model for a Sequential Tubing Process. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 199-234.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Doude, H., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Chapter 6: Steel Powder Metal Modeling. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 137-.
Stone, T.W., & Hammi, Y. (2018). Chapter 13: Nickel Powder Metal Modeling Illustrating Atomistic-Continuum Friction Laws. In M.F. Horstemeyer (Ed.), Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Case Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 447-464.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Bakhtiarydavijani, A., & Stone, T.W. (2024). Impact of Prior Axonal Injury on Subsequent Injury during Brain Tissue Stretching–A Mesoscale Computational Approach. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Elsevier. 153, 106489. DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2024.106489. [Document] [Document Site]
Vo, A., Murphy, M. A., Phan, P. K., Stone, T.W., & Prabhu, R. (2023). Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Membrane Systems in the Context of Traumatic Brain Injury. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering. 27, 8. DOI:10.1016/j.cobme.2023.100453. [Document Site]
Vo, A., Murphy, M. A., Phan, P. K., Prabhu, R., & Stone, T.W. (2023). Effect of Force Field Resolution on Membrane Mechanical Response and Mechanoporation Damage under Deformation Simulations. Molecular Biotechnology. 66, 865–8. DOI:10.1007/s12033-023-00726-x. [Document Site]
Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R. D., Paliwal, B., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of a High Strength Concrete Using Experimental and Numerical Methodologies for High Strain Rate Ballistic Impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 178, 104598. DOI:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2023.104598.
Perkins, A., Duncan, C., Johnson, D. H., Stone, T.W., Sherburn, J. A., Chandler, M., Moser, R., Prabhu, R., & Hammi, Y. (2023). Assessment of the Ballistic Impact Response of Cor-Tuf UHPC Concrete Using the HJC Constitutive Model. International Journal of Protective Structures. 15, 224-240.
Vo, A., Murphy, M. A., Stone, T.W., Phan, P. K., Baskes, M. I., & Prabhu, R. (2021). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phospholipid Bilayer Mechanoporation under Different Strain States—a Comparison between GROMACS and LAMMPS. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 29, 20. DOI:10.1088/1361-651X/abfeaf. [Document Site]
Junaid, O. R., Stone, T.W., & Alexander, J. H. (2018). Experimental Characterization of Milling, Compaction and Sintering of Nanocrystalline FC-0205 Copper Steep Powder. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering. Global Journals. 18(1), 1. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Mahtabi, M. J., Yadollahi, A., Rahmati, M., & Stone, T.W. (2018). Correlation Between Hardness and Loading Transformation Stress of Superelastic NiTi. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 1, 1-5. DOI:10.1007/s13369-018-3217-z. [Abstract]
Burcham, M. N., Escobar, R., Jr., Yenusah, C. O., Stone, T.W., Berry, G. N., Schemmel, A. L., Watson, B. M., & Verzywyvelt, C. U. (2017). Characterization and Failure of an Automotive Ball Joint. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. 17(2), 262-274. DOI:10.1007/s11668-017-0240-4. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Paliwal, B., Allison, P. G., & Horstemeyer, M. (2016). Smooth Yield Surface Constitutive Modeling for Granular Materials. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 139(1), 011010. DOI:10.1115/1.4034987. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]
Murphy, M. A., Horstemeyer, M., Gwaltney, S. R., Stone, T.W., LaPlaca, M., Liao, J., Williams, L. N., & Prabhu, R. (2016). Nanomechanics of Phospholipid Bilayer Failure under Strip Biaxial Stretching Using Molecular Dynamics. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 24(5), 055008. DOI:10.1088/0965-0393/24/5/055008.
Song, W., Woods, J. L., Davis, R. T., Offutt, J. K., Bellis, E. P., Handler, E. S., Sullivan, K., & Stone, T.W. (2015). Failure Analysis and Simulation Evaluation of an Al 6061 Alloy Wheel Hub. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. Springer. 15, 1-13. DOI:10.1007/s11668-015-9969-9.
Walton, C. A., Nesbit, B. E., Candia, H. M., Myers, Z. A., Whittington, W. R., & Stone, T.W. (2013). Failure Analysis and Mechanical Performance Evaluation of a Cast Aluminum Hybrid-iron Golf Club Hosel. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. 13(5), 561-569. DOI:10.1007/s11668-013-9715-0.
Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2012). Length Scale Effects of Friction in Particle Compaction Using Atomistic Simulations and a Friction Scaling Model. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Springer. 14, 1121. [Abstract]
Acar, E., Hammi, Y., Allison, P., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Microstructure-Property Relations for Compacted Powder Metals. Powder Metallurgy. 53(2), 141-145. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Horstemeyer, M., Hammi, Y., & Gullett, P. (2008). Contact and Friction of Single Crystal Nickel Nanoparticles Using Molecular Dynamics. Acta Materialia. 56, 3577-3584. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Stone, T.W., Hardin, C., Gullett, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Atomic-Scale Friction in Metal Nanoparticles Using Molecular Dymanics Simulations. Material, Science, and Technology (MS&T). Houston, TX.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Hill, P. J., Kirkland, B., Koshka, Y., Sullivan, R. W., & Stone, T.W. (2016). A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Nanotechnology Education Program with Integrated Laboratory Experience and Outreach Activities. 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. New Orleans, LA: ASEE.
Hill, P. J., Koshka, Y., Stone, T.W., Kirkland, B. L., & Sullivan, R. W. (2015). A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Nanotechnology Education Program with Integrated Laboratory Experience. 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Seattle, WA. [Document Site]
Stone, T.W., Saleme Ruiz, K., Asafa, O. A., & Hammi, Y. (2012). Die Filling and Compaction Using a Multiscale Methodology. Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials. Nashville, TN: MPIF. 1(1). [Abstract]
Hardin, C., Stone, T.W., Gullett, P., & Ward, D. K. (2010). Atomistic Modeling of Aluminum Nanoparticle Interactions. Proceedings of the Materials, Science, and Technology (MS&T) Conference, Oct. 2010. Houston, TX. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Fatigue Modeling of a Powder Metallurgy Main Bearing Cap. 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference. Providence, RI: 3DS SIMULIA. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Hammi, Y., Carino, R.L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2009). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Las Vegas, NV: MPIF. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Sanderow, H. I., Grewal, H., Acar, E., Hammi, Y., Allison, P., & Solanki, K.N. (2009). Process Modeling: Use of Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Optimization Techniques for Improved Understanding of Compaction Model Outputs. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Las Vegas, NV: MPIF. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., Williams, T. N., Hammi, Y., El Kadiri, H., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Comparison of Density Measurement Techniques for Large P/M Components. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation. 11-84-11-96. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Arias-Meza, L., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. MPIF/APMI 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materia. Gaylord National Hotel, Washington, DC. 1-96 –1-1. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Jelinek, B., Gullett, P., Kim, S., & Horstemeyer, M. (2007). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Compressive Behavior of Alpha-Fe and Fe-Cu Nanocrystalline Materials. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Denver, CO: MPIF. 1.15-1.24. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., Arias-Meza, L., Hammi, Y., & Horstemeyer, M. (2006). Multiscale Modeling of Powder Metallurgy Process. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. San Diego, CA: MPIF. 1(1), 1-41 -1-54.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2006). Constitutive Modeling of Metal Powder Behavior. SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Materials & Manufacturing. Warrendale, PA.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., & Horstemeyer, M. (2005). Constitutive Modeling for Powder Compaction and Densification. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Montreal, Canada: MPIF. 1(1), 1-38 -1-51.
Non-Refereed Conference Posters
Stone, T.W. (2011). Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of the Consolidation of Metallic Nanoparticles. National Science Foundation First Year BRIDGE Grantees Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA.
Stone, T.W. (2009). How to Be a Successful Student. IMAGE Summer Bridge Program. Mississippi State University, MS.
Stone, T.W. (2009). Who Wants to Be an Engineer. WISE Summer Camp. Mississippi State University, MS.
Technical Report
Saleme Ruiz, K., & Stone, T.W. (2014). Implementation of a New Force Scheme into DEM for Brittle Polycrystalline. ERDC Interim Final Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. 1(1), 1-17. [Abstract]
Saleme Ruiz, K., & Stone, T.W. (2013). Computational Modeling of Brittle Polycrystalline Materials Based on Discrete Element Method. ERDC Interim Report #2. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. 1(1), 1-52. [Abstract]
Saleme Ruiz, K., & Stone, T.W. (2013). Method for Digitally Generating the Microstructure for Brittle and Layered Biomaterials. ERDC Interim Report #1. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. 1(1), 1-30. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W., & Sullivan, C. K. (2012). Process-Structure-Property-Performance Innovation. Plymouth Tube: 1Q Progress Report. Mississippi State University: Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems.
Professional Presentations
Stone, T.W. (2012). MSU Faculty Panel for Graduate/Professional Student Audience. Mississippi State University.
Stone, T.W. (2012). Gender Series Lecture: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Mississippi State University.
Stone, T.W., Asafa, O. A., Tschopp, M. A., Gullett, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2011). Molecular Dynamics Study of Frictional Effects on the Compaction of Metal Nanoparticles. Material, Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference. Columbus, OH. (2011).
Stone, T.W., Asafa, O. A., Stone, J., & Hammi, Y. (2011). Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Deformation. Material, Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference. Columbus, OH. (2011).
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Allison, P., & Horstemeyer, M. (2010). Fatigue Modeling of a Powder Metallurgy Main Bearing Cap. 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference. Providence, RI: 3DS SIMULIA. [Abstract]
Hammi, Y., Allison, P., Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., & Horstemeyer, M. (2008). Pressure-Dependent Plasticity Model for Powder Metallurgy Compaction. First American Academy of Mechanics Conference. New Orleans, June 17-20 2008.
Hammi, Y., Stone, T.W., Tucker, L., Allison, P., Horstemeyer, M., & Marin, E. (2008). Modeling for Powder Metallurgy Component Design and Performance Prediction. MPIF/APMI 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials . Washington, DC, June 8-12 2008. [Abstract]
Awards and Recognitions
Stone, T.W. (2010). National Science Foundation Proposal Review Panelist.
Stone, T.W. (2010). MSU BCoE Diversity Award.
Stone, T.W. (2010). The Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi (AGEM) Graduate Award.
Stone, T.W. (2009). 2009 Women of Color STEM Technology Rising Star Award.
Stone, T.W. (2009). 2009 MSU Engineering Research Support Staff Award.
Thesis and Dissertation
Stone, T.W. (2009). Multiscale Friction Using a Nested Internal State Variable Model for Particulate Materials. Mississippi State University, MS.
Stone, T.W. (2008). Multiscale Friction Using a Nested Internal State Variable Model for Particulate Materials. Ph.D Dissertation. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mississippi State University. [Abstract]
Stone, T.W. (2006). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanoparticle Interactions. Masters Thesis. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mississippi State University. [Abstract]